Today I’m sharing some of my favorite puppy products. The puppy stage can be tough. Our puppy will be 7 weeks old this weekend and I finally feel like we’re in a good place. It’s because we have a set schedule that we follow each day and it makes things so much easier for all of us. She knows when she’s expected to sleep or keep herself entertained, she knows when it’s time for her to eat, and she knows when she wakes up we go outside to potty.

Some things I recommend having for your new puppy are

  • puppy pads
  • collar and ID tags
  • leash
  • harness
  • puppy food
  • food storage
  • treats
  • a crate
  • a bed
  • bowls

We didn’t spend much money on a leash, collar, or harness because puppies grow so fast. We knew we wanted to start working with her immediately so we felt as if those items were necessities. We want to be sure that we teach her how to walk on a leash as early as we can.

When it comes to puppy food, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about the different options and how to properly transition your puppy to a new food. When we got our puppy, she was eating puppy food and was almost completely weaned. However, the food she had been eating wasn’t the healthiest option for her. Puppies need special food to ensure that they’re getting everything their growing bodies need, so we made the decision to switch her food. Transitioning to a new food went well for us. We introduced the new food slowly over 5 to 7 days. We started off by mixing a little of the new food with her old food and added a little more each day until she was completely switched.

Food storage is optional, but I love organization. You can find the set pictured above here.

Treats were trial and error for us. Our puppy didn’t like the first 3 bags of treats we bought, but we finally found a brand that she enjoys. We give treats when she potties on her puppy pad, when she ‘comes’ and ‘sits’ on command, and we are working with her on biting/nipping. When she’s gentle, which is rare right now, she gets a treat.

We got a crate as soon as we decided to get a puppy. In my opinion, a crate is a necessity. Not only is it a space where your puppy can feel shielded and secure, but your puppy will be safe while you’re gone or when you are unable to provide direct supervision. It also helps your puppy to control its bladder because they typically don’t use the bathroom where they sleep. To begin introducing the crate to your pup, start by sitting them inside with the door open. Place one of their favorite toys or a treat inside and let them go inside to retrieve it. You can even place their bowl inside the crate and let them eat inside so they will feel more comfortable going inside. These steps will make for an overall smoothe transition with the crate training process. Remember to be patient and consistent with your new puppy when it comes to crate training.

Our puppy loves her bed! This is something else we didn’t spend much money on because she will eventually need a bigger one. She knows that when lights go out, it’s time to lay down in her bed.

I love Target’s food and water bowls, especially the brand Boots and Barkley. I plan on purchasing a set soon, but for now we use raised food/water bowls that I found at TJ Maxx. They’re the perfect size for our puppy now, but soon she will need bigger bowls.

Your new puppy will need toys! Our girl has a favorite toy that Jordan bought her the day she came home with us. See what her favorite toy is here.

Some other miscellaneous items that are helpful are

  • a puppy playpen
  • a travel crate
  • a puppy hammock for the car
  • grooming wipes
  • cleaning products

This puppy playpen has been a game changer for us. When our puppy first came home, she wanted to go into every room and pee. It was the longest 3 days of my life! When Jordan came home with the playpen, we put her bed inside, her water bowl, and 3 puppy pads. We leave the door to the playpen open and she goes in on her own when she wants a drink, needs to potty, or wants to lay down. We only close the door during dinnertime (or any time that we can’t provide direct supervision) and at bedtime.

A travel sized crate is something we don’t currently have, but wish we did. Our puppy hates car rides. When we took her to the vet for her first set of shots, I carried her. It was difficult to carry her, hold Klara’s hand, get out my wallet, etc. She was so rowdy where she was excited, so a travel crate would have been handy!

If your puppy doesn’t need to be in a crate for car rides, I love the idea of having a doggie hammock or some kind of seat covering for the backseats.

After we’ve been outside, I like using wipes to wipe away dirt or to help her smell a little better. I don’t use them often, but they are convenient to use between baths.

Cleaning products are a must. There will be so many accidents the first couple of weeks and you have to make sure you properly clean and disinfect the area. This is so important, especially if your puppy hasn’t been checked for parasites yet.

What are some of your puppy must-haves?

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