This Week

This week has been a busy one for us! Saturday morning was Kylan’s Christmas party at the Jericho Temple. Unfortunately we couldn’t make it this year due to inclement weather that morning, but it is always a very special occasion. All of the children in our area that attend Shriners Children’s Hospital are invited to this event every year. They provide each family with lunch, the kids have their pictures made, they can visit Santa, the clowns make balloon animals, and each child receives a (really nice) gift and a fruit basket. The Shriners, along with everyone who is involved in this event each year, are such a blessing to our family.

That evening we had our church Christmas dinner. By that time the snow that was covering our roads had melted. It is always a great time when we gather together with our church family to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with so much food, laughter, and praise.

On Sunday morning we went to church with Jordan’s mom and his Nana. The kids always enjoy visiting their church– they love their Sunday school service.

We came home, put on our comfy clothes, Jordan and I made chili and put it on the stove to simmer for a few hours and we took a Sunday afternoon nap. That’s what mama dreams are made of, I’m sure of it.

On Monday it was back to to packing lunches, folding laundry, dusting, vacuuming, and sweeping. I finally got around to filling out Christmas cards for our church’s Christmas card exchange coming up on Saturday. You know how I’m always talking about this tight budget we’re on? I didn’t spend a dime on cards this year. Instead, I used cards that I had saved from last year. I keep a list of what cards I give to each family so I’m sure not to give the same one the following year. These are the cards I have used for two years now because of our budget, yes, but because I adore them. I love the glitter and the simplicity.

Tuesday was a special day. Our daughter had her second ballet recital!

She was so excited that her Mema, Papaw, and Nene were in the audience. The girls done such a great job! They danced to Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree and showed off all of the special routines they have learned this session. It was such a sweet time.

After ballet my mom and Papaw came over for dinner and Kylan had basketball practice at 6 o’clock.

Tonight we have Christmas program practice before our church service and tomorrow evening Jordan and I have an appointment and Kylan has basketball practice.

Friday night is going to be our family Grinch Night. I can’t wait to share the details!

Saturday night is our dress rehearsal and pizza party at church and Sunday night is our Christmas program. The kids have been working so hard, they have been practicing since October and the adults who are involved are so committed.

One more pretty important thing has happened this week. I saw an amazing opportunity and took a leap of faith– I applied for a job with our local city schools and am praying that God will open doors if they are meant to be open. When I saw the job listing it was as if something spectacular fell right into my lap. I wasn’t searching for it, it came to me. I feel as if I have done my part by applying for the position, so now it’s time to be in prayer about it and to let go and let God. I know He will allow extraordinary things to happen when they need to happen. No matter what His decision is for my life at this time, I will continue to praise Him and not question His timing.

Does your schedule seem to be extra busy during the holidays? If so, how do you stayed organized and keep track of it all– the appointments, sports, church activities, etc?

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