A Week In My Life

Every year, the transition from summer break to back to school is tough. Even though it’s a tough transition, it’s always a smooth one! I started back to work for preservice week last Wednesday. It’s nice starting back in the middle of the week and only working 6 hour days the first week back. Today’s blog shares a week in my life as a teacher starting back to school after summer break.

Wednesday, August 9

I woke up at 5:30, made an English muffin for breakfast and Kylan made a pot of coffee. He chooses a coffee cup for me, makes my coffee just how I like it, and brings it to me every morning.

I did my morning skincare, straightened my hair, put makeup on, and filled up my Stanley cup with water. I got to Central Office for a training at 8:40, went inside, found my people, and got our PowerPoint pulled up.

We took lunch around 11:15. I ordered a pickup for McAllister’s. I love their chicken salad croissants.

The view from my car when I got back to Central Office was so pretty.

After work, I had to pick up Kylan and his friend from basketball practice. Jordan brought home dinner, and then I went to the pharmacy to pick up Kylan’s refill.

Me and Klara watered her flower bed, skimmed the pool, and cuddled the pups. All of those things are a part of our evening routine, so it’s something we usually do every day.

My favorite part of my night time routine is washing my face/skincare and watching a show with Jordan. Right now we’re watching The Lincoln Lawyer.

Thursday, August 10

I made breakfast and read some of the Bible. I used a hair tool I got from TJ Maxx forever ago to style my hair.

We wore our matching Pre-K shirts to convocation. We kept it casual and comfy.

It poured rain almost the whole day.

Convocation was from 9 to 11. We were served breakfast, which is always great. There were a lot of vendors set up and they supplied lots of goodies. We always have a guest speaker that gets us motivated for the new school year.

After convocation, all the Pre-K crew went to lunch. I ordered a salad and breadsticks.

After lunch, we went back to our classrooms and worked on several online trainings we have to renew each year.

That afternoon I went to register for my college courses this fall and came home to help Jordan with dinner.

Him and Kylan have been watching a series of movies all week, so while they had guy time, I read some of my book and done some laundry. In my upcoming room reveal blog, I’ll be sharing my favorite part of our bedroom – my reading corner!

Friday, August 11

Friday morning I had finally decided to go to the gym after 2 days off to get back into the swing of things.

We placed an order on the McDonald’s app and picked up some breakfast. They have my favorite fast food breakfast that isn’t an unreasonable amount of calories. I order a sausage mcmuffin and a sugar free vanilla iced coffee.

My outfit for the day was one of my favorites. I love this sage green shirt from Old Navy. I have it in every color. When I first started researching how to live a more simple life, I read Kendra Adachi’s book, The Lazy Genius, and she mentioned a guy who found an article of clothing he loved and bought several of that same item. We’re happier when we wear things that we love. I recently downsized my side of the closet drastically. But this shirt, and every other color it comes in, is worn all the time.

Some of my outfit details –

My whole day was spent at Central Office. It was the second part of our training that we started on Wednesday.

That evening we went out to dinner at Applebee’s and had Dairy Queen for dessert. It’s our Friday tradition to go out to eat and talk about our week. Usually we stop for candy on our way home and watch a movie together as a family.

Saturday, August 12

The weekend flew by, just like it always does during the school year. On Saturday morning I picked up our groceries, took the boys for a haircut, and loved on our pups.

We went to my mom’s that afternoon and spent time with her and my brother. When we came home, Jordan grilled chicken kabobs with mushrooms, pineapple, and green pepper. They’re always SO good! After dinner we watched a movie and ate too many gummy worms.

Sunday, August 13

On Sunday we went back to school shopping. When we got home, I labeled school supplies and packed up all the kids’ things.

I done a load of laundry, Jordan cleaned our bedroom and done yard work, and then we watched one of my favorite movies, Where the Crawdads Sing. I always set aside time to do some sort of self care on Sunday, and on this day, watching one of my favorite movies while I laid in bed eating snacks was just what I needed. Some of my other favorite things to do is take a bubble bath while I listen to an audio book, work on a blog post, float around the pool and listen to a podcast, or sit outside on the patio and read a book.

After I watched a movie, we cooked dinner. Sunday is usually when we cook a big homecooked meal and have a homemade dessert. This week we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas, and yeast rolls with homemade honey butter.

I shared some things I like to do for self care, but really, the most important thing to me is that I make an effort to fill my kids cups every day, but especially on Sundays. I want to pour so much love into them and the things they love during the weekend so that they will start a brand new week feeling seen, heard, and most importantly, loved. I watched Klara draw for over an hour, we watched a movie with Kylan, and we talked to Koby about his favorite comedian.

Later that night, I got some work done. I downloaded fonts and name tags for the year since my computer had been reimaged over the summer. I also worked on the required trainings we have to complete each year.

Monday, August 14

Monday morning was one of the best workouts I’ve had in a while. We did full body and then I walked on the treadmill. When we left the gym, we stopped by McDonald’s for breakfast. We don’t usually eat out, but we have been stopping more than usual because teachers in our district get a free breakfast at McDonald’s all week!

We spent the day prepping materials for open house that evening and got everything put in place for the first day of school. I printed off papers, got things printed off for our orientations, made copies, etc.

We went to Olive Garden for lunch. We had endless soup, salad, and breadsticks.

When we got back from lunch, I worked on mandatory trainings and printed off the certificates for my teaching portfolio. Our school had our open house and each grade level had a designated time. Ours (for Pre-K) was from 3-4. We got to meet all of our kiddos and set up times for our orientations that we will have the remainder of the week.

That same afternoon, all three of our kids had their open houses. At three different schools, but all at the same time. Kylan is excited about his schedule because he has all 4 classes with his best friend. We got Koby’s schedule at his open house and he seemed to like all of his teachers. Klara doesn’t have homeroom with her best friend, but she was excited about fourth grade! Koby and Kylan went with me to visit their old teachers at Klara’s school. It’s always so comforting to see teachers hug them and tell me how incredible they both were in class.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but we started a new tradition. I was so exhausted, and I always am after four open houses at school, so we decided to have cereal for dinner. The kids were so excited. It truly is the little things that make them the happiest and make the best memories.

Tuesday, August 15

I woke up to thunderstorms and tornado watches in our area, but stuck to my usual morning routine. Gym, breakfast, shower. Skincare, makeup, hair.

When I got to work, I printed off pictures of the kids that I took at open house to label their cubbies and mailboxes. I spent the majority of the day finishing up online trainings so I would have those out of the way before my college classes start. We grabbed Chick-fil-a for lunch and took it back to the classroom so we could get things done while we ate.

That afternoon I had to stop by the bank and pick up an order from Target. I had a ton of change I wanted to cash, thinking it would be around $20. It ended up being $67. I couldn’t believe it. That spare change was enough to make almost 3 payments on my credit card. I had over 3,000 points to redeem on my credit card, so I cashed them in for cash back rather than using them on gift cards, apparel, etc. But I will say- using your points on gift cards to gift a family member, friend, or coworker during the holidays (or even a teacher as a first day of school gift) is so nice! This is my first ever credit card and I only applied for it to establish a consistent line of credit, but it has turned out to be the BEST option for a credit card and I am so happy I went with the one I did.

My Target order was a random one, but this is the time of year to buy random odds and ends that are affordable once college items are out in stores! I stock up on new plasticware that we need and toss anything that we don’t use. This is the perfect time to buy furniture, bedding, kitchen appliances, room decor, and storage items, too!

I recently ordered my absolute FAVORITE bras from Target. This is an every day wear bra because they are so comfortable. I have two black, two white, and one purple. Highly recommend!

That evening for dinner we had a recipe from Pinterest. It was so delicious!

I had planned on blogging through Wednesday to make a full week of content, but I’m making a separate post for the first day of school for my kiddos and my class.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! I’ve never done a week in the life blog before, simply because I feel like so many things are repetitive. My breakfasts, my morning routine, our evening routine. We thrive on consistency! Have a great week, y’all.

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