April and May Highlights

It’s hard to believe my last blog was our spring break vacation! Today, I’m sharing all of our special moments from April and May. I’ve already started on a June and July blog, too! It’s been such a great summer, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

After our spring break vacation, we came home and got back into a routine. I celebrated another birthday and was feeling so grateful to reach 33. Starbucks, my coworkers, my students, and my husband Jordan all celebrated with me! Students brought flowers, homemade cards, gift cards, and hand drawn pictures (my personal fave!) and my coworkers brought in donuts. We ordered Olive Garden for lunch and it was so delicious! After work, I stopped by Starbucks for my birthday drink and Jordan took me to celebrate at one of our local favorites, The Blended Pedaler.

To make the week even more special, I officially renewed my Child Development Associate credential. Besides maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout college, keeping my credential up to date has been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve done in my teaching career.

We had a mama bird make a nest and lay her eggs on top of a gutter on our back patio. We watched her gather sticks to make the nest for several days, we watched her sit on her eggs, and we were so excited when the eggs started hatching! We walked outside first thing every morning to talk to the babies as the mama was in the yard, gathering something for them to eat. One evening after a storm, our dog Lola showed us that a baby had blown out of the nest. It was barely moving and didn’t seem like it would survive, but it made a full recovery! It was incredible to witness the entire process. Then, one day, we came home and saw the empty nest. Our babies had flown away!

Not only did the baby birds remind us of how amazing nature can be, but they also reminded us that there is beauty all around. The simplicity of the grass, the trees, creeks and rivers satisfies my soul.

May was a special month for me. Maybe it was turning another year older the month before, or maybe I just finally realized that there were so many things I should be doing differently. Different lenses I should be looking through. I sat back and evaluated my life. I had been craving simplicity, nature, slowness, healthy foods, fresh air. May was the month that I decided I was going to do two things. First, I was going to slow down and live life more simply. I decided that I was going to use what time we have left of our childrens childhoods by encouraging them to embrace the slowness, too. Second, I was going to work towards becoming a healthier version of myself. I decided that I was going to commit to living a slower, more simple life and that I was going to choose healthier foods, move my body more, and cut back on processed foods and sugars. As I type this post, I am almost 4 months into this journey. We have been enjoying “slow” days and have been embracing living with less. Less possessions and less distractions, but a full life of the simple things that bring us joy. I have also lost 15 pounds. I plan on sharing all the details in an upcoming post, but for now, here are some photos on how we’ve been living more simply and the progress I’ve made by moving my body and nourishing it with healthier foods.

Dancing in the rain
Eating healthy meals outdoors

One of my favorite things about May is Teacher Appreciation Week! All year, teachers pour themselves into their students. Their safety, their academics, their needs, their well-being. And for one week in May, our principal and people/businesses in our community spoil us rotten in return. This year, I had kiddos bring me flowers and gift cards, and our principal made arrangements for us to be catered food every day. Breakfast, lunch, and a snack. This chocolate cake was the highlight of the week for me.

We spent a week in Florida! It was hands down the BEST vacation we have ever had. I’m finishing up that blog and will share it soon. Until then, here are some of my favorite photos from our trip.

Once we came back from vacation, it was time for all the fun end of the year activities. Awards day, field day, etc. I say it every year, but every year our kids blow me away with the recognition they receive. I am so honored to be their mom and so proud of all their accomplishments.

Klara turned NINE! I don’t understand when or how it happened. This girl is so special. Celebrating her is one of my favorite things in the whole world.

On the last day of school, the Pre-K teachers buy something small for the other Pre-K teachers that they can enjoy during the summer. Buying for others has always been my favorite thing to do. It fills my cup knowing that I have helped fill someone else’s. And honestly, you just can’t go wrong with Frappuccino and Chick-fil-a.

At the end of the school year, we always have teacher workdays. For the past three years Kylan has asked if he can go with me. It’s turned into a tradition. We cleaned, laminated, done lots of cutting and organizing, heated up lunch, and put a movie on the Smartboard. He doesn’t know it, but he makes my life so special.

I hope you’re having a great summer! I’m excited to share some of our summer memories with you in my next blog.

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