March Highlights

I’m so excited to share some of our most memorable moments from March.

The first day of the month we celebrated Koby becoming a teenager! I still can’t believe it. I made the viral cinnamon rolls for breakfast and they were delicious. I decorated both Kylan and Koby’s rooms because when February 29th doesn’t roll around, we celebrate Kylan’s birthday on the 1st of March, too!

We let Koby choose where he wanted to go for his birthday dinner since Kylan chose where he wanted to eat in Knoxville when we celebrated his birthday a few days earlier. After dinner we took them shopping. Both of the boys bought some clothes with their birthday money.

A few more fun moments from the month included going bowling, to the mall in Johnson City, and having Chipotle for dinner.

Kylan attended a special luncheon at school for being on the honor roll. I am so proud of our kids and accomplishments like these.

Me and Jordan squeezed in a date night and supported a locally-owned restaurant. Their BBQ nachos were top notch.

Me and Klara had a spur of the moment library trip after school one evening. Isn’t it funny how the spontaneous things make the best memories? The happiness on her face as she scrolled down the aisles touching books with her fingertips was the sweetest thing. We would read a chapter of her book together every night before bed.

On St. Patrick’s Day we woke up to an empty leprechaun trap, a messy living room covered in green streamers, and a car full of all things green and glittery. The leprechaun got us good this year! I made the kids green pancakes and bowls of Lucky Charms for breakfast to celebrate.

On the 18th Kylan played for a travel ball team and played 4 games throughout the day. He scored more than 25 points altogether. Afterwards we went out to Beef O’ Brady’s, ate dinner, and watched Tennessee play on the big screen. The place was packed with Vols fans so it was a great time!

Klara fell at school one day and the school nurse thought she may have broken her wrist. We went to a specialist and luckily it was just a bad sprain.

Stay tuned for our spring break post! I’m so excited to share it with you.

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