November and December Recap

2023 has been off to a busy start and I’m feeling more blessed than ever! Before I publish my January and February recap posts, I want to share bits and pieces of November and December.

Thanksgiving morning we kept our tradition going with cinnamon roll casserole while we watched the Macy’s Day Parade. We went to Jordan’s parents to eat then went home and relaxed the rest of the night. The next day we had our own Thanksgiving dinner. Spending the day in the kitchen alongside Jordan preparing a holiday meal for us and our babies was always a dream of mine. I am literally living out the life I’ve always dreamed of having.

I like to put together a menu to include in our family yearbook each year. Here was our menu for 2022.

Some other memories I want to remember from the month of November: Klara had a sleep study done and was Little Red Riding Hood in her school play. Kylan got his braces off and kicked off the basketball season. Koby is thriving in school and Jordan celebrated another birthday!

December flew by. We started the first day of the month off with our local Christmas parade. Klara’s Girl Scout troop had a Candyland themed float, but she wanted to walk behind and hand out candy.

Throughout the month we went to basketball games several times a week. We’ve driven 2 hours to games, then 2 hours back, being out past midnight only to get up at 5 o’clock the next morning. There’s not a lot we love more than high school basketball. We are so incredibly lucky that we’re able to travel and attend every game.

During the holidays I was really struggling with the fact that our own kiddos are growing up and that the next time we celebrate Christmas, a little more Christmas magic will be missing. Whether it’s Santa Claus or the Elf on the Shelf. But then God reminded me that every year I am blessed with 16 more kiddos that I’m able to love on, create memories with, and able to relive all of the holiday magic through their eyes. The days can be so hard and teacher burnout is a real thing by the time March comes along. But one thing is for sure- I love my job and these little people!

Klara got to go see The Nutcracker.

Between Kylan’s basketball schedule, Klara’s basketball schedule, Girl Scouts, work, taking online classes, and the kids school schedules, we didn’t get around to having family pictures made for our Christmas cards this year. I put together cards one night during half-time at a varsity basketball game, picked them up the next day, and mailed them out the day after that.

Probably one of my favorite moments from December is when Kylan decided he wanted to get his hair cut! Thanks to our friend, Carmen, for convincing him to do it.

He went to Knoxville with three of his best friends to celebrate his friend Drew’s birthday. They went to Top Golf, out for dinner, and done a lot of shopping. I am so grateful for the friendships he has in his life. Ever since I can remember, I’ve prayed for our children’s friendships and future relationships. To see God working in each of them is proof that He listens to our prayers and is able to intervene in any situation. I came across this tweet the other day on Pinterest and it has been so true for us so far. If you’re pouring love, time, and God’s truth into your children during their childhood, the teenage years will be so rewarding. I’m thanking God every day for molding me into the mama He called me to be.

Every December I put together activities for us to do each day as a family. It’s almost like a homemade advent calendar. Sometimes it’s something as simple as surprising the kids with new Christmas socks or hot cocoa, and sometimes it’s something a little more extravagant. This year we didn’t start on December 1st because we’ve been so busy, so we did the 12 days of Christmas instead.

Christmas 2022 was so memorable because we had family visit! They arrived on the 22nd and stayed a week. It was such a blessing to have them stay during the holidays. Sharing our family holiday magic with those we love the most was indescribable. Hosting those you love is the best feeling in the world.

We had our traditional North Pole breakfast and made Santa Claus pancakes.

This year I put together something that we’ve never done before. Every night from November until Christmas, Koby turned on Home Alone. He has loved that movie for several years, but this year we watched it constantly. I decided to surprise him (and the other 3 kiddos) on Christmas Eve with a Home Alone inspired lunch! I’ve already prepped more items to make it even more fun next year! Seeing his smile when he saw pizza, mac and cheese, Pepsi, and ice cream sundaes set out with Home Alone decorations was priceless!

I made videos of us all opening gifts that night so I didn’t get many pictures. Videos are much more sentimental to me than photos nowadays. Some of the kids favorite gifts were Dollywood Season Passes, Tickets to a VOLS game, Just Jump gift cards, and movie theater certificates. My goal was to gift our kids with experience gifts and it was so incredibly worth it! They rarely remember the “stuff” they get for Christmas or their birthdays, but creating memories together as a family is something we will always cherish.

The day after Christmas we had a 3 day basketball tournament an hour and a half away. It was so great having our family here to go to Kylan’s games with us! Stopping at new restaurants after the games while we talked and laughed for hours was the best part. Family, food, and basketball- three of my favorite things.

Once our family headed back to Maryland and we packed up most of our Christmas stuff, we were ready to ring in the new year! Every year since we’ve been married, Jordan grills steaks and makes twice baked potatoes on New Years Eve. We had finger foods and stayed up to watch the ball drop. I couldn’t imagine ringing in a new year any other way.

I hope your holidays were full of blessings, family, and memories that you will cherish forever.

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