April and May

In today’s post I’m sharing what we’ve been up to the past couple months. These little moments make up some of the happiest and most memorable moments of this life I’m living with my best friend and our sweet babies.

In April we took our spring break vacation. You can read that post here. Once we came home and got unpacked, we dyed Easter eggs as we listened to worship music. It was the perfect afternoon.

For Easter dinner we had ham, sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, rolls, and banana pudding.

I didn’t get a picture of our table set up, but there’s nothing I love more than a festive tablescape with a tablecloth, centerpieces, plates and napkins. This year I put Robin eggs in our clear candy jars for centerpieces and served deviled eggs on these cute, blush pink bunny plates I found at TJ Maxx last year.

We started opening our pool that weekend. It’s a big process to shock the pool, get the chemicals just right, vacuuming and brushing, testing and balancing the chemicals again, etc. We finally got everything exactly where it needed to be and have been swimming almost every day!

We spent a lot of time at the soccer field these past two months. We’ve drove 2 hours away for games more than once, eaten Chick-fil-a for dinner in the bleachers more times than I can count, we’ve sat in pouring rain, dripped sweat in 85° weather in the blistering sun, but it’s been so worth it.

Kylan also had his induction ceremony for the Beta Club.

We’ve done a lot of afternoon walks at the park. I didn’t think the kids would enjoy it, but it turns out they love going and it’s the best family time. We load up the dogs, walk for about an hour, and the kids play soccer on the soccer field. No one is looking at their phone, in front of a screen, or watching TV. We’ve grown to really appreciate nature and family time.

It’s so close to the end of the school year so we’ve been having a lot of fun with our alphabet countdown.

Letter B Day / Bear Hunt
Letter G Day / Games
Letter N Day / Nature

We’ve had Italian Ice outside in the sunshine and we’ve started on end of the year keepsakes. How precious are these silhouettes?

I love summer eatin’- grilling, fresh fruits, grilled vegetables, pasta salads.

I love putting together ‘wish lists’ but never remember to make a post using them. This is the one I put together for Mother’s Day this year.

Not only did Jordan spoil me with gifts from my wish list, but he made me french toast for breakfast and took me out to dinner. We got chips and spinach dip as an appetizer, salads, croissants, our meals and dessert. Jordan ordered salmon and I got chicken tenders.

Teacher Appreciation Week is by far my favorite week of school. Not only are we on the countdown to summer, but our awesome principal and PTO make us feel so loved and appreciated. We had breakfast and lunch catered to us all week. We were given snacks, gifts, and special treatment all week, too.

Klara lost her first top tooth and it’s literally my favorite thing ever. She’s getting ready to turn 8 and this is only the third tooth she’s lost. It really hit me that she’s growing up and that we aren’t in the toddler years anymore. Heck, we’re barely in the young child years. My mama heart breaks knowing our babies aren’t babies anymore. Stay tuned for a vulnerable post that I’ve been working on for awhile now, documenting the ups and downs of the realization that my child bearing years are probably over. I hope it will help other mama’s who may be struggling with the same disappointment.

In two weeks we’re celebrating Klara’s birthday! I’m trying to get all the details together, decorations ordered, and the food list prepped. I’m excited to share all of the details soon! Spoiler alert: I’ve spent entirely too much time Pinteresting taco bars.

What are some of your favorite things about April and May?

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