Thanksgiving 2021

I hope you’ve had a relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. One of my all-time favorite traditions is sleeping in the day after Thanksgiving, waking up and having a cup of coffee with a pecan cheesecake square for breakfast while I buy Christmas gifts online and listen to Christmas music playing softly in the background.

Just like every other holiday, I like to keep my decor pretty simple.

We’ve had lots of fun in Pre-K. We had our Thanksgiving feast at school and had a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving party. We watched the movie and then the kids all sat around our Thanksgiving tablecloth and had their Charlie Brown themed feast. Toast, jellybeans, popcorn, and pretzel sticks. I love these little people so much!

We went to school Monday and Tuesday, but had the rest of the week off for the holiday. I loved doing our own Thanksgiving feast last year, but this year things were a little more normal and our families hosted Thanksgiving. We only prepared a few dishes to take to each gathering. I made pecan cheesecake squares, 2 peanut butter pies, sweet potato casserole, and a pineapple casserole and Jordan made smoked macaroni and cheese.

We went to Jordan’s parents at 12 and had the most delicious food. Turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, rolls, deviled eggs, corn casserole, and so much more.

We went to my moms at 5 o’clock and ate between 6 and 6:30. There was so much food. There’s nothing like her dessert table and cranberry salad.

Now that Thanksgiving has passed, I can start decorating for Christmas. We have our tree put up and I’m going to spend the rest of the weekend putting away Thanksgiving decor and pulling out my Christmas totes.

This year I am thankful for our sweet little family, our health, our home, our church, and this little piece of the internet that I call my own.

What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?

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