Life Lately

It’s been months since I last published a post. Months. Sometimes I don’t realize how long it’s actually been until I look back at my last post to see where I left off. I still have a few summer blogs I’ve been working on, but wanted to catch you up on all of the more recent things that have been happening.


School started in August. The kids are in a routine and are enjoying the school year so far. We had parent/teacher conferences at the end of September. None of their teachers requested a conference, but I like to check in to see if there’s anything we could be working on at home and to see if there is anything their teachers need for their classrooms that we can send in. When I sent emails to all of their teachers, I was blown away at the responses I received. Teachers praising them not only for their grades, but also on their character and work ethic reminded me how blessed I am to be their mom.

Koby was recognized for being an outstanding student at school and got to attend a cotton candy celebration. Something we’re even more proud of is his love for Jesus. We are so thankful for our friends who open up their home to our boys and host the most amazing Bible studies.

Klara loves second grade! Her grades are great, but the thing I admire most about her is her big heart. We have ‘student and staff referrals’ so students can recognize staff members and staff members can have students recognized for outstanding behavior. Klara loves our custodians and did a referral on each of them. When you finish the referral paper, you take it to the office and the principal will announce it over the intercom. After his announcement, those who were recognized go to the office and get the referral form along with a printed certificate. It’s really special. When her favorite custodian, Mr. Jeff, came into our classroom one evening she asked if he had received his certificate. He smiled so big and asked her if she was who referred him. He said he loved the picture she drew of him holding his broom. He has his certificate taped to his door and every time I pass it in the hallway, I can’t help but to smile knowing she made someone’s day.

Klara finally lost her first tooth! She worked so hard trying to loosen it. From the minute she woke up until she went to bed, she would wiggle that tooth. In fact, she got it so lose that she swallowed it while she was eating. She has dreamed of losing her first tooth ever since she was in Pre-K so her heart was shattered. After she stopped crying several hours later, she was determined to lose another one. She started wiggling the tooth beside of the one she had lost and a couple days later it came out at school. She was finally able to put a tooth under her pillow for the tooth fairy!

Kylan made great plays on the football field all season. After his hospitalization in 2019, we weren’t sure he would ever be able to play sports again. Seeing him on the field is proof that our God is real.

The night he earned ‘player of the game’ our family from Maryland surprised us at his game and saw him score a touchdown.

Kylan’s coach and the varisty football coach asked him to travel with the varisty team to their away games. I am so excited he had the opportunity to go. All of the midnight drives (and maybe even the 3 a.m. one) to pick him up once the team returned to the high school was worth it.

A text from Kylan’s coach when he traveled with the vatisty team to a game in Harrisonburg, VA


While my aunt was in town, we went to visit my papaw’s grave for the first time. It’s so beautiful down in the country, especially in the fall once the leaves start changing colors. Later that evening, we grabbed some sandwiches and had a picnic at the park.

Somehow me and the kids all caught HFM and I was miserable. Fortunately, the kids didn’t suffer as much as I did. I had the worst bout of it. I was in bed all day for 6 days. It started off with a slight sore throat and aching legs, then turned into a 103 fever. The fever turned into sore hands that eventually turned into blisters. I had a headache and was nauseous. My throat wouldn’t hurt until I ate or drank, but when I swallowed food it felt like it was literally on fire. Even with strep and tonsillitis, I’ve never experienced pain like I did with HFM. It’s been a little over 2 weeks since I went to urgent care and my hands still aren’t healed. My fingertips are still numb and my fingers are peeling. I was at urgent care earlier this week with the absolute worst neck pain. It seemed to be viral meningitis, but fortunately the neck pain went away on its own after 5 days.

Being sick for what seems like forever kept us from doing some of the things we had planned on our Halloween Bucket List, but in my next post I’ll be sharing some of the fun memories we have been able to make!


Dinner with your best friends is so good for the soul. We’ve turned meeting at Chili’s for chips and guacamole into a tradition.

We have been double dating with two of our best friends and it’s always the best time. Two of our favorite dates so far? A Matthew West concert and bowling. So thankful that God placed these two incredible people in our lives.


I finally decided on a gallery wall spot and ordered some prints. I love how it turned out.

We closed up our pool for the winter, but enjoyed swimming one last time. I can’t wait to make more memories in our backyard next summer.


I had a virtual training for work so I was home on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. If you’re local, you’ll understand how excited I was that the Auntie Ruth’s truck was parked behind Chick-fil-a on one of the days I was home. I grabbed a half dozen donuts and called it lunch. Best day ever!

The kids are loving our ‘family’ theme in our centers. We have turned our centers into different parts of a home. We have a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, yard, living room, and laundry room so far.

On Friday we celebrated Stacie’s birthday with donuts and pink almond cake. I have the best coworkers.

What are some exciting things that have been happening in your life lately?

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