Spring Break 2021

We planned a short, and completely last minute, spring break trip to Florida and we were so excited to get away for the week! I grew up going to Myrtle Beach and a few years ago we spent a week in the Outer Banks, but once we went to Florida in 2019 and experienced the clear water and the soft white sand, I can’t imagine going anywhere else for a beach vacation.

We left around 7 a.m. on Monday, March 29. We got to our room at 5:30 that evening and ordered pizza. We ate pizza, got settled in, and watched American Idol.

Our first view of the ocean from the car

On Tuesday morning we were on the beach by 8:30 a.m. The wind was chilly, but it didn’t stop our fun!

At 11 o’clock we walked from the ocean up to the pool. We stayed a couple hours before we headed to the room for lunch.

That night we went to Lulu’s for dinner and took the kids to the candy store that was right beside our resort. After they done some shopping, we let them go night swimming. They thought it was pretty cool to be the only ones swimming in the dark.

On Wednesday morning Jordan got us coffee from one of our favorite coffee spots.

We went to the ocean for awhile and had so much fun. It was 75 degrees by 9 a.m.

We went to the pool and had some snacks by the palm trees.

My number one hack for crowded restaurants around dinner time is to plan accordingly. We either skipped lunch or ate something light around 11 a.m. so we could eat an early dinner. It’s insane how much difference there is between dining in at 3:30 versus 5:30. When we went out to Lulu’s at 5:30 there was an hour and a half wait. By 6 o’clock it was a 3 hour wait. Once we started going to dinner around 3:30 we would be seated immediately and wouldn’t get our food until 4 to 4:15, which is usually when we eat dinner at home, so it worked out great.

Around 3:30 we went to dinner at Gulf Coast Burgers. Their milkshakes were on our bucket list before we even made it to Florida.

We walked around and done some shopping. When Klara found Build a Bear, she was so excited! We had never been before, but I was impressed with how much fun it was.

That evening it started raining and the area was under a gale warning. We were all in bed by 7:30 and it felt so good! Is it even vacation without sleeping and good food?

On Thursday morning we woke up and went to The Donut Hole for breakfast. It was delicious. We made it there by 7 a.m. and I’m so glad we did because by the time we left, the line was wrapped around the building! After we got full bellies we went back to our room and we took a 2 hour nap.

The weather was too chilly for full-on swimming in the ocean (the high was 55°), so we ventured out for awhile until it warmed up. We drove around Miramar Beach and went shopping around Silver Sands Outlets.

When we got back to the room we changed into our swimsuits and went out to the ocean. It was windy and dinnertime, so we had the beach (and pool) to ourselves.

That night we just wanted to stay in and relax, so we grabbed Taco Bell for dinner. I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t eat Taco Bell every single day.

When we woke up on Friday it was only 40° outside so we had a slow morning. We had cereal and watched movies until it warmed up. Around 1 o’clock we went to the ocean. We made sandcastles and saw dolphins swimming in waist deep water! We went to the pool before we headed back to the room to get ready for an early dinner.

We went back to Lulu’s because it’s our all-time favorite. Their fried green tomatoes and their dipping sauce are worth the drive to Florida all on their own.

After dinner we had planned on going to the Harbor Boardwalk but we drove around for ten minutes and couldn’t find a parking spot anywhere so we took the kids shopping at the Commons instead. It wasn’t nearly as crowded and there was still a lot to do.

It was 8 o’clock when we got back to our room and I promised the kiddos we would go night swimming and to the hot tub, even though it was only 55 degrees. When we got back to the room we done all of our laundry and packed up our things.

On Saturday morning we woke up at 5, loaded the car, and done some last minute cleaning. We stopped our keys by the office and stopped by The Donut Hole for a dozen donuts. On our way out of town we stopped by Starbucks for coffee.

Even though we didn’t stay very long, it was so nice to have time away with my favorite people. I’m going to miss our ocean view, the clear water, tanning on our balcony, eating out, walking the beach, building sandcastles, walking to the candy store across the street, avocado toast, coffee, the smell of sunscreen and salt water in Klara’s hair, sandy floors, little sunburned noses, tan lines, and naps. Until next time, Florida. ✌

How did you spend your spring break?

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