Come As You Are

For those of you who weren’t able to get to church for whatever reason today, or for those of you who don’t have a home church, I want to share our church service with you today.

I have wanted to do this for so long, but privacy reasons have held me back. God has put it on my heart to share our service on this (very) small platform I have and my hope is that it will touch someone in some way.

For far too long, online services were all so many of us had, but there is NOTHING like attending these services in-person and witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit. Hearing everyone worship and sing along to the music, hearing praises, and seeing the entire sanctuary dancing and lifting their hands high are some of the things that you can’t experience online. Throughout some of the pandemic, watching online was the only option we had at times. When watching online, you can STILL experience God’s presence. You can STILL worship. You can STILL pray. Your life can STILL be changed. If you prefer in-person services, please don’t pass up on the opportunity to watch services online. Even after we go to church on Sunday, I come home and watch a recorded service from a church in Chattanooga because their services are phenomenal. If you prefer watching online, please don’t limit yourself to only watching live stream or recorded services. If you’re able, visit a church in-person.

Your beliefs and religion may be completely different than ours and that’s okay. I grew up attending a small Baptist church with no more than 25-30 people. When me and Jordan were dating, we attended a large church that had several different campuses where no one knew us by name. Even though the worship and the sermons were great, it didn’t feel like home to me. We started going to another small church and loved it. I taught Sunday School and Jordan was involved. It’s where our kids learned the books of the Bible and how to pray. Kylan was saved and was baptized there.

Unfortunately, that church went through three pastors within just a few years. One of them filled our cups in a way that no one else ever has. He was so full of wisdom. I filled up an entire notebook of his sermons because I wanted to hang onto every word he said. The way he delivered the Word was indescribable. Once he left the church, my soul felt empty. We continued attending because it was our home church, but we didn’t have the drive we once had. We once were so excited to get up and go to church. Our mindset was, “We GET to go to church tomorrow!” We would look forward to it all week long. We lived for Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and Wednesday nights. Once he left we found ourselves saying, “Tomorrow we HAVE to go to church.” Our hearts were missing something.

When we moved back to Virginia, we started going to another church in hopes that we would find what we had been missing. I think my husband was more comfortable and content with that church than I was. A few months before the pandemic hit, our sweet friends invited us to church with them. These friends are people we look up to as Christians and as individuals. They are the most selfless people we have ever met. They want to pray with you, pray for you, and serve the Lord with all their being.

I will never forget the first time we attended their church. It was completely different than what we were used to. After the service was over I thought to myself, “It was a great experience, but I’m just not sure if it’s for us.” I was so wrong. I am so thankful we gave it another chance because after our second visit, I felt the excitement that had been missing in my heart. I prayed about it every day, asking for God’s guidance in finding the perfect church for us. There hasn’t been one Sunday morning service since then that I haven’t felt the presence of God in that building. It brings me to tears every single week. It is the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life.

So, if you’re interested in watching our church service from this morning, you can watch it here. If you’re ever in the area, please come experience our Sunday morning service in-person. Come as you are- Grace Point will welcome you with open arms. There is nothing in the world like it.

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