January 4, 2021

When we follow a virtual learning model, our kids get to stay home. I don’t have to wake up as early when I’m the only one getting ready. I wake up between 5:30 and 6:00, depending on if I need to shower or if I showered the night before.

If for some reason I didn’t shower the night before, showering is the first thing I do. Usually I’ll just add some dry shampoo to my hair and style it then I jump into my makeup routine. These are my favorite go-to products and my all-time favorite perfume that I wear every day.

After I do my hair and makeup I eat breakfast if I have time. Some of my favorite breakfasts are overnight oats, hot oatmeal, peanut butter toast, avocado toast, or a smoothie. This morning I treated myself to Starbucks.

I get to school at 7 and start prepping materials for the week. I make copies, laminate, deep cleane, organize, and get in some professional development hours. Today I spent the morning prepping materials for next week incase we’re still virtual. Even if our school board makes the decision to return to in-person learning, we will have all of the materials ready for the week so it’s a win-win.

I have morning meetings with the kids at 9, 9:30, and 10 o’clock. This is the time we do calendar, weather, etc. Morning meetings have always been my favorite part of the day because there is so much learning involved! Just by talking with them about the calendar they’re learning social skills, number recognition, and sequencing. The calendar is a great visual tool to help children learn about time and sequencing concepts such as before, after, first, last, next, month, day, year, week, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We also count “how many days until so-and-so’s birthday” or “how many days until it’s a home day” to familiarize them with the word until.

As I write the date on the board each morning I talk through it in a fun way. For instance, today was January 4th so as I wrote the four on the board I said, “Down and over, down once more. That is how you make a four.” Together we counted up to the number four and we compared it to other numbers. “Is four more than six? Is four less than two?” You can also draw tally marks or count objects to enhance their understanding of numbers.

When we discuss, and graph, the weather each day, students are able to describe what kinds of clothes are appropriate for different kinds of weather. We use the words observe, predict, and meteorologist on a daily basis.

I use a classroom iPad to do my meetings. It’s easy to position so the kiddos can see the calendar behind me and it’s easy to navigate with the website we use for our classroom assignments.

In between my morning meetings I try to have a snack. This morning I had an orange around 9:25.

I usually eat my lunch anywhere between 11 and 12. Today I brought a chicken salad croissant. That’s when I text or call to check on the kids, catch up on emails, make phone calls, etc. Today I had to schedule Kylan an orthodontist appointment, order a guinea pig carrier on Chewy, make the guinea pigs a vet appointment, and I ordered some of Jordan’s Valentine’s Day gifts.

Small group times are at 1, 1:30, and 2 o’clock. That is more instructional than morning meeting.

I usually have a small snack around 1:30. I keep some protein bars and almonds at work, but today I had packed a Naked juice.

I leave the school anywhere between 2:30 and 3 o’clock. Today it was more like 2:30 because I had a Sam’s Club order to pick up.

I’m usually home by 3 and that’s when I make sure the kids have completed all of their assignments before I start on dinner.

Today while I cooked dinner, Jordan and Kylan went for a bike ride at our local park.

Tonight I took some of our sweet friends dinner for no reason other than just because we love them. I picked them up a chicken taco kit, gave them a bag of our favorite corn from Trader Joe’s as a side dish, and brownies for dessert.

When I got home from dropping their dinner off, I painted suncatchers with Klara. We studied over her spelling words and read some stories before it was time for her shower.

Once I get her ready for bed I always charge my work laptop, her ipad, and Koby’s computer so they will be ready for the next day. I clear off the dining room table and organize all of Klara’s materials she will need for the next day. One of her chores is to neatly lay out all of her things, but I just go behind her and make sure things are easily accessible for her since I won’t be home to help. I lay out her and Koby clothes for the next day and I lay out Koby a clean towel for when he showers the next morning.

Once I finish getting the kids things ready for the next day I make sure I have everything laid out that I’ll need for the following day. This morning I had my backpack packed up, my purse organized, and my lunchbox sitting on the couch by the front door. I had mail that needed to be put in the mailbox before I left so it was sitting with my car keys so I wouldn’t forget it. I filled up my Hydropeak water bottle and headed out the door. Putting in the extra work each night is totally worth it for a smooth morning.

As a part of my nighttime routine I wash my face, brush my teeth, and take the puppies outside to potty before bed. I try to be in bed with my phone off by 9 o’clock.

What is your weekday routine like? Has your schedule been affected by the pandemic?

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