Monday was the start to a great week. We were due for a Trader Joe’s trip so we stocked up on some of our favorite things.

After we went to Trader Joe’s we stopped for lunch at White Duck Taco.

That night for dinner we made pizzas and had my favorite salad from Walmart as a side.

That night we had a family Mario Kart competition.

Tuesday we spent quality time with the kids. Me and Klara had a girls day and Jordan spent the day with the boys for a guys day. Me and Klara went shopping, picked up some lunch, went to the park and ate, then went out for dessert.

Wednesday I packed up all of my Christmas decor while Jordan helped his aunt. On his way home he surprised me with lunch from Chick-fil-a. Kylan’s best friend was coming over to spend the night so I put them together a snack tray and stocked up the downstairs mini refrigerator with drinks for them.

That night I made our favorite peanut butter pie.

Thursday I made beef vegetable soup because we were going to see my papaw the following day and I wanted to take him a bowl. I also made my vision board for 2021. We all were awake to watch the ball drop this year!

On Friday we went to see my papaw and my mom. They spent time with the kids while me and Jordan done some shopping and had dinner. We ate at Chop House, went to Big Lots, Wal-Mart, and then to McDonald’s for coffee.

Later that night when we got home we had family movie night. If you’ve followed my blog for awhile, you might know that’s a family tradition every Friday night.

On Saturday we surprised the kids with a trip to the movie theater. We saw the new Croods movie because Klara has had the first movie on repeat for months! Me and Jordan got a lot of things done around the house. We got the kitchen cleaned and hung up new curtain rods, new blinds and curtains. We took a family trip to Walmart so the kids could spend some of their Christmas money and picked up our new vacuum cleaner. We grabbed Taco Bell for dinner and went home to play with new play-doh, a new basketball, and to use our new vacuum!

This morning I slept in until 10:30. Jordan put Ranger in bed with me and we snuggled for more than an hour.

Ranger is as tall as me when he stands on his back legs, but he waits to be “picked up” to get into our bed. He will throw his two front legs on top of my feet and wait patiently, sometimes 15-20 minutes, for daddy to come put him in bed with us. As soon as he gets a lift, he comes to lay next to me and falls right to sleep. It’d be an understatement to say he’s one of my absolute favorite things on the planet. He’s a mama’s boy and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We had a family “talent show” downstairs this afternoon and Koby ended up being the winner! Klara sang and played her guitar, I sang on the karake machine, Koby done his Mario impressions, Jordan played the guitar, and Kylan played the keyboard. It was so much fun. Klara planned and set up the while thing. Last night she asked for my help to write down everyone’s top 3 talents and then we took turns performing for the rest of the family.

The last day of Christmas break is always crummy. For the past 15 days I have been home with Jordan, our babies, and our puppies and that makes going back to work extremely hard. I’m going to miss staying up late watching Family Matters with Jordan, sleeping in and slow mornings, family Mario Kart competitions, puppy snuggles, playing Barbies, family talent shows, fast food, and staying in sweatpants. This has definitely been the best Christmas we have ever had and I am so incredibly thankful.

Did you get time off for the holidays? If so, what were some memories you made?

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