Before I jump into our weekday routine, I want to remind you to use my link and my code at Coffee Over Cardio for a small discount on your next coffee order.

Now that school has started and I’m back to work, I wake up at 5:30 and let the puppies out. I make a cup of coffee and get some puppy snuggles before I do my hair. I wash my hair on Sunday nights so on Monday mornings I straighten it. The rest of the week I just use dry shampoo and style it.

After I style my hair I do my makeup. Currently I’m loving this mascara, this concealer, and this blush.

Around 6 o’clock is when Kylan comes upstairs for breakfast. After he eats he takes the puppies for a walk before they have to spend the day in their kennels.

I wake Koby up at 6 o’clock so he can eat breakfatst. His bathroom time is from 6:15-6:30. I like to give the kids 30 minutes in the bathroom each morning, but we’ve cut it back to 15 minutes because of our new school schedule due to COVID.

I wake Klara up at 6:15 so she can eat breakfast. Her bathroom time is 6:30-6:45 and then Kylan’s bathroom time is 6:45-7:00.

I want to share what our kids love to have for breakfast incase you’re in need of some ideas for busy mornings.

  • Pancake muffins and bacon
  • Blueberry muffins and scrambled eggs
  • Toast (top with jelly, peanut butter, or cream cheese)
  • Yogurt parfaits with fruit and granola
  • Applesauce puffs
  • Breakfast burritos (make ahead and freeze)
  • Oatmeal and fruit
  • Biscuits (make ahead and freeze)
  • Bagels with cream cheese or pb
  • Cereal bars (we use Cheerios + pb + honey)

From 6:45 to 7:15 I’m drinking some coffee, packing lunches, and watching some of the news and Today Show. This is also when I eat breakfast. Some of my go-to breakfasts are breakfast burritos, avocado toast, overnight oats, or peanut butter toast. Some mornings I’m not very hungry and will have a smoothie or a breakfast essentials drink instead.

Since we’ve moved, we only have a 2 minute drive to school so we don’t have to leave the house until 7:20. That gives me enough time to find a parking spot, get everyone into the building and have our temperatures taken.

I walk Klara to her classroom and stop Koby by his classroom before I head to Pre-K. Kylan, our middle schooler, comes with me until his bus comes by to pick him and several other middle schoolers up to transport them to the middle school. Our principal went above and beyond to ensure that arrangements were made for his staff’s older children when school times were adjusted due to COVID. Before COVID, middle school started at 7:25, but now elementary is starting earlier and middle school doesn’t start until 9. As inconvenient as it is, the busses have been able to successfully social distance the children without having double runs. I consider that a success and accept whatever precautions need to be in place in order for my children to be safe.

Pre-K hasn’t started yet so we are still doing orientations and setting up our classrooms. When we aren’t meeting with parents, I’ve been painting furniture, organizing centers, and laminating.

I love the people I’m going to be working with this school year. We have been going out for lunch and it’s always the best time! Even on the days we pack our lunches and eat in the classroom, they always have the best stories that make me laugh until my stomach hurts. If you’re interested in what I pack in my lunch box, click here.

Klara and Koby are released from their classrooms around 1:50-2:00, which is an hour earlier than last year. I work until 3 o’clock, so they hang out with one of my best friends in her classroom until I finish up. If you can’t tell, I have the sweetest friends.

We leave school between 3 and 3:10 each day. As soon as we get home we take off our shoes, put our things in our entryway closet, and wash our hands. The puppies are so happy to see us when we get home! We love on them and take them outside to potty. We change into our comfy clothes and I disinfect backpacks and lunch boxes the best I can.

The kids have some water and a snack while I start on dinner. Kylan doesn’t get home from school until 4:30 so as soon as he gets home, we’re ready for dinner.

After dinner we clean up the kitchen and start a load of dishes in the dishwasher.

Once we’ve cleaned up from dinner, it’s time for homework. This is the time that I plan blog posts or write down video ideas for YouTube. Once homework is finished, the kids plug up their electronics so they will be ready for school the next day and then they have free time.

Some evenings we take the puppies for a walk as a family, play board games, or sit out back and watch the kids and puppies play in the yard.

Around 7:45 we start our nighttime routine. Bedtime snacks and quiet time, washing faces and brushing teeth, then tucking in and bedtime prayers.

The kids are in bed by 8:30 and Jordan and I are in bed by 9 o’clock.

What are your weekdays like?

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