Now that school has started and I’m back to work, I feel like I’m going non-stop. The stress of sending our own children to school on top of everything we, as eduactors, are doing each day is enough to wear you down both physically and mentally. Today though, God put it on my heart to slow down and cherish this day, this moment, with my babies.

We had been waiting to hear from Kylan’s doctor about an ultrasound he had done on the 13th. Their main focus was on his kidneys.

I was sitting at work cutting some things we had laminated for the classroom when my phone rang. I was relieved when the nurse said, “The scan of his kidneys were normal.” Thank you, Jesus! But I could tell in the tone of her voice that she had more to say. She continued by telling me there was some concern with his aorta valve and that their office was referring him to a cardiologist as soon as possible.

I immediately called my husband and told him what I had just found out. He was just as shocked as I was. I hung up the phone and I texted my best friends, several of them in the same building as me. I walked next door to share the news with two of them and they held me as I cried. Y’all, without any hesitation they grabbed me and hugged me while I cried. Forget social distancing, forget COVID, forget everything going on around you because your friend is hurting. I can only pray that I am half the friend they have been to me.

I finished out the workday and was standing in the kitchen with Jordan when we heard the front door. Kylan was home from school and I walked up to him and he gave me a hug. I asked how his day was and he shared some stories. During his entire illness, we never kept anything from him. Doctors always talked openly around him and I always wanted to be honest with him about what was happening with his body. Another reason I’ve always wanted to be open with him is because I believe in the power of prayer. I honestly believe that prayer can change circumstances and by telling others what is going on and asking for their prayers, he is able to experience first hand what God is doing in his life.

He was standing over the kitchen sink and I said, “They called with some results today, buddy. Your kidneys looked good!” He said, “That’s good! So why am I going to the doctor tomorrow?” The appointment for the next day was planned before the phone call I received earlier in the day, but we had assumed it was just to follow-up on his blood pressure and for more lab work to either confirm or rule out any issues with his kidneys. I paused for a few seconds and he said, “Just tell me, please don’t keep anything from me.” And that’s when I explained that even though his kidneys looked good, the scan picked up on something else that raised some concern. We talked to him about what the aorta valve is and its purpose, and casually mentioned the terms “cardiologist” and “echo” so he would be familiar with the words.

Is he scared? Probably. Does he show it? Not the least little bit. This boy is so strong that it’s hard for me to wrap my head around everything he has gone through in the past 13 months. You, my boy, are my hero. I love you to Heaven and back.

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