If you would have told me that my 30th birthday would have been spent at home quarantined with my family, eating jellybeans and watching TV, I would have never believed you. I envisioned a big party with all of our family and friends. Balloons and lots of food. Birthday cake, music, dancing, and gifts. I created a Pinterest board dedicated to my 30th birthday. There was supposed to be invitations, finger foods, and streamers.

My birthday was on Easter Sunday this year. I may not have gotten a party, but we had a big celebration. We celebrated because He is risen! That, my friends, is the greatest gift I have ever been given. He deserves the party and the dancing. He’s the one that deserves to be celebrated.

I turned 30 a little more than four months ago and God has continued to prove how good He is day in and day out. We have bought a house, He has provided for us throughout this pandemic, and I was selected for a new position at work with a small pay raise. I have the sweetest friendships in my life and my marriage is flourishing. I am living my dream each and every day. I’m not saying I haven’t had bad days or bad experiences in the last four months because I certainly have. It’s just that because of my faith, I know there’s a reason for the hard times. I know He has a plan and that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I am ready for how the Lord will use me in my 30th year. I’m ready to show others His love and grace. I am ready to fall more in love with my maker while living out the life He has created for me.

Cheers to 30 years!

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