I can’t believe we’re approaching the last weeks of summer vacation. Since my last blog, there have been some life changes. Jordan’s grandmother passed away earlier this week and our hearts are broken. Our children have known other people who have passed, but this is the first time it has been someone they loved and were close with. I love to hear their sweet voices ask God for her to have a safe trip to heaven and for her not to be afraid. They are sure that she has beautiful wings and will be our guardian angel.

A few weeks ago I interviewed and was chosen for a new position at work so I have been participating in a 4 day virtual training.

This week our puppy, Ranger, had a checkup and his third dose of puppy vaccines.

Lola had an appointment last week. They both have one more set of vaccinations and then they graduate!

I feel like my planner has something written down for every day this month. The kids have a dentist appointment this coming week and I have 3 days of training for work. The week after that Lola has a vet appointment, Kylan has an appointment, there are optional teacher workdays, and pre-service starts for work.

Since Kylan had his yearly physical and we became aware of his high blood pressure, our pediatrician asked us to check his BP regularly. It’s still elevated for a kid his age, but is much better than the 142/88 range. His next appointment is for a scan of his kidneys and to see if there are any other concerns that weren’t caught during his examination.

I’ve been doing some painting around the house. I gave our mantle a fresh coat of paint, along with our baseboards and this welcome sign that I ordered for our patio.

I’ve been vlogging regularly and have found an app that I love for editing my videos! If you’re interested, here is a link to my channel.

What have you been up to lately?

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