How did you spend your holiday weekend? Our family had the best time. Saturday we had a small celebration. My husband grilled chicken and corn cobs, while I made baked beans and potato salad. If I’m honest, I’ve never made potato salad in my life. I decided to find a recipe and just go with it. I am so glad I did because it turned out delicious! We also had cupcakes and a festive punch that was a complete Pinterest fail. My plan was to make layered drinks using Hawaiian Punch, blue Gatorade, and Sprite Zero, but they didn’t turn out anything like they were supposed to. The good news is, the kids still thought it was awesome!

Our neighborhood set off lots of fireworks and we had 6 boxes of sparklers that we used throughout the night.

Today we went to the lake. It’s our new favorite thing to do. We went earlier in the week and done a family hike, but today we only went to swim and enjoy the sunshine.

After we left the lake we stopped by one of our favorite places to grab some food. We had lunch at the lake so the kids only wanted milkshakes or ice cream, but me and Jordan got a couple of dip dogs because it’s their specialty.

I’m so thankful for the week Jordan took off from work. We got a lot accomplished around the house and had some much needed family time. Tonight’s plan is to pick up groceries, have leftovers for dinner, bake some brownies, and watch a movie as a family before Jordan goes back to work tomorrow. How was your holiday weekend? What are some of your favorite family traditions during the summer?

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