Just when things finally settled down and we established a routine for our new puppy, we had to go and make things complicated.

We got our puppy, Lola, a BROTHER!

This is Ranger. He is the most gentle puppy I’ve EVER been around. Seriously, he is on a completely different level than Lola. Lola nips and doesn’t want to be held and is so rough and rowdy. But this guy? He’s gentle and wants to be held every minute of the day. Lola has TONS of energy and his favorite thing in life is taking a 2 hour nap on the couch with his humans.

It’s amazing how different breeds have different temperaments. Fortunately, the puppies get along great and have helped each other tremendously so far. Lola watches us with Ranger and seems to be understanding that he gets lots of affection because he isn’t biting or nipping at our faces. She sees him on our laps when we’re on the couch so she has started sitting with us, too! When Lola brings us a toy, Ranger observes how we interact with her and then he tries the same thing. It’s incredible to see how they’re learning from one another.

Ranger has never had an accident in the floor. Sweet victory, right? He makes it to the puppy pad or runs to the back door to go outside. He’s learned how to sit and he raises his paw to the kids when they say, “Ranger, give me five!”

Going from one puppy to two is kinda like going from one kid to two. And because they’re both the same age and still in the puppy stage, I feel like I’m raising toddler twins. You can’t take your eyes off of them for one second!

I hope to keep up my weekly puppy posts, but now that there’s two puppers running around our house I know I’ll be busy. You know when you have your first kid, you fill out their baby book and document every milestone? But then when the second kid (and the third) come around, you barely remember where you put your car keys or what you had for dinner the night before. The last thing on your mind is a baby book. That’s how I’m feeling right now.

When I reflect on how I always hoped my life would turn out, the first two things have always remained the same. A whole lot of babies and two dogs, one boy and one girl. My hot husband and our guinea pigs are just a big bonus. 😉

Welcome to the fam, Ranger!

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