This year for Klara’s birthday we had a party booked at an outside shelter that we have rented before. You can see her Peppa Pig party here. We reserved it in early January. With her birthday falling so close to Memorial Day, things get booked quickly so I like to act fast. In March, we recieved a check in the mail for the amount we paid for the shelter so we were forced to do things a little differently this year due to the pandemic. We decided to have a birthday parade to celebrate Klara’s special day.

The morning of her birthday I woke up early to finish decorating and made cinnamon rolls with sprinkles for her special breakfast.

Jordan picked up doughnuts from our favorite bakery on his way home from work and then we decorated a long table at the end of the driveway and hung balloons on the mailbox. We handed out doughnuts and snickerdoodle cookies as curbside treats.

We were really surprised with the turnout we had! We are blessed to have the best of friends. Klara’s teacher even drove by and made her day.

Once the parade was over we opened gifts.

Klara chose spaghetti, garlic bread, and broccoli and cheese as her birthday dinner. After dinner, we had strawberry cake and ice cream cups. We’ve made this cake every year since she turned three. I love that it’s turned into a birthday tradition.

Here’s to YEAR SIX!


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