On Saturday, we started our morning off with coffee and our first big breakfast in our new house. I have dreamed of that moment for so long. Standing in the kitchen of our new house, cooking a big breakfast and laughing with Jordan. We had biscuits, gravy, bacon, and eggs.

It was a really productive morning. After breakfast, Jordan cut up all of our fruit for the week. I am loving these bowls I picked up from Target. They’re perfect for storing all of our fruit.

My Thrive Market order arrived on Friday, but we were so busy that I didn’t open it until Saturday. We love Beanfields chips so we stocked up on those, we got chips and salsa, cookies, chewy bars, more chia seeds, and a superfood blend fruit spread that was DELICIOUS on some of our biscuits. I’ve heard that it takes your peanut butter and jelly game to another level, so we will be trying that soon.

I finally decided to try the Flamingo products from Target that everyone’s been talking about. I will be posting a review to let you know what I think about these products soon.

Jordan and Kylan got his futon put together and I love it. It’s so comfortable! It’s perfect for his room. It makes a great spot for gaming or for having friends spend the night. Here is the link to the mattress we have. It’s really thick so I’m hoping it lasts for awhile.

We met with our insurance agent to finalize some things and when we got home we had some lunch. I had a rice cake with Thrive peanut butter, banana, and cinnamon. This has been my go-to snack for as long as I can remember.

Jordan started building our new dining room table that evening.

On Sunday morning he had already started sanding and staining the table before I woke up. I made a cup of coffee and sat outside while I made a ‘to-do’ list for the week and brainstormed ideas for Klara’s birthday. By the way, we recently bought this coffee maker and we’re OBSESSED with it. I love the iced coffee option and the built in frother for my creamer.

Jordan’s aunt came by and was able to see the house. She hadn’t seen it since the first day we moved in, so some things were a little different.

I did a Target run that evening and it felt so good to get out of the house. Some things that I done, and will continue doing, just as precautions were

  • wore a mask
  • wore my backpack rather than putting it in the buggy
  • carrying my cash and debit card in my pocket to keep from digging in my purse and my wallet with dirty hands
  • kept my phone in my bag so I wasn’t touching it
  • I stayed more than six feet away from others and followed the arrows on the floor
  • NEVER EVER touched my face
  • I am always carrying Wet Ones in my backpack and I have hand sanitizer in my car
  • wiped down every item when I got home
  • sprayed my keys with Lysol and let them air dry
  • sprayed my car and wiped down the steering wheel, buttons, and seat belt
  • left my shoes at the door
  • changed clothes
  • washed my hands with warm water and antibacterial soap for 20 seconds

Jordan finished the dining table and we got it moved inside. The chairs I ordered go so well with the table and our clock.

Our family is so incredibly grateful for all of the fallen soldiers who have lost their lives fighting for and defending our country. Monday wasn’t only Memorial Day, but it was also our wedding anniversary. I was so happy that Jordan had the day off work so we could spend the day together. My gifts for Jordan this year were a small thermos, some slippers, and Ben & Jerry’s. I also picked up a pair of slippers for myself while I was at Target. They are so comfortable! You can see them here.

I went to Lowe’s to pick up some plants and stopped by Walmart to grab some blackout curtains, some last minute items for Klara’s birthday, and a few things for dinner. We grilled hamburgers, zucchini, and squash for dinner.

I finally got around to painting Klara’s bed yesterday. We painted it an off-white when Jordan first built it a few years ago, but her new bedding, curtains, and nightstand are white so it made the bed look yellowish. I painted it white to match everything a little better and I’m happy with how it turned out.

I have planned some fun posts in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned for a furnished home tour, Klara’s 6th birthday parade, and another Friday Favorites post. I’ve also thought about publishing the drafts from my site, but some of them are from months, maybe even years, ago. Would you be interested in reading content from that long ago or should I stick to new, current posts? Let me know in the comments below.

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