Mom Guilt

Mom guilt hit hard today. We woke up too late for everyone to get ready for movie day and lunch at our local library. I was so disappointed. It just wasn’t enough that we went to story time yesterday and then walked to our favorite bakery to have ice cream. See yesterday’s vlog here.

Mom guilt is the absolute worst. We want so badly for our children’s childhood to be a magical place of adventure and sweet memories. When we feel unsuccessful, it gets us down and we feel like we’ve failed as a parent.

There I was drowning in mom guilt, but as soon as I said a prayer, God intervened. As much as I wish we would have woken up earlier and made it to the library, watching Klara sleeping peacefully in her bed is enough. Not being rushed to be somewhere and being able to cook the kids a hot breakfast is enough. Listening to Koby and Kylan whisper to one another in their room is enough. These are the mornings I’m going to miss when school starts back in August.

I’m that mom that’s all about fun opportunities, especially when they’re FREE. When there’s something fun going on in town, you will find us there. It’s easy to forget that maybe, just maybe, my kids would rather be at home, in their safe place, with their mama.

Having their mama cook them a hot breakfast and watching a movie together on the couch in their mismatched clothes that they so proudly picked out themselves is just as special. They don’t need every playdate, every free event, or to be taken out every day so I can feel like a good mom. They just need me. My time, my attention, my love.

This post is just to reassure you, mama, that YOU are enough. Mom guilt is a thief of joy. We have to remember that our motherhood worth isn’t determined by what we do. Being a better mama isn’t about doing, it’s about being. Being the one who is always giving more of herself even when she feels like she doesn’t have anything left to give. Being the one who takes care of them each day and being the one who will never quit on them. Being the one who wants to be a better mama every single day and prays for her babies more than she prays for herself.

The better mama is the being there mama. And that will always be enough. Always remember that when mom guilt tries to bring you down.

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