This Weekend / June 21-23

Hey there!

In my last post I shared that I have started a vlog. This weekend I have spent a lot of time learning more about vlogging and have been doing some research on how to edit videos, how to add music to them, and how to make my channel relatable to other mamas.

In addition to that, we have had a great weekend. On Friday, I posted my first vlog, we ran some errands, and went to a birthday party at Just Jump that evening. We had to pick up a card and a gift card at Walmart and grabbed a few groceries while we were there. Below is a picture of our small Walmart haul. Y’all, you HAVE to try that spaghetti that I made myself for dinner that night. I knew the boys would be eating at the party and Klara was going out to eat with Jordan, so while we were at Walmart I grabbed me something quick to make. It tastes just like the spaghetti I order from Olive Garden, just without the meatballs.

We arrived at Just Jump at 6:45 to get wristbands and socks and the kiddos jumped from 7 until 8:30. At 8:30 we ate cake, Sam opened his gifts, and then everyone played lazer tag. We didn’t get home until 9:45 and we. were. exhausted.

On Saturday, Jordan and Kylan went on a 17 mile bike ride while me and the other kiddos hung out at home. I made pancakes for breakfast, got some cleaning done, and even went through Klara’s dresser.

Because we were at Sam’s birthday party on Friday night, our traditional Friday family movie night was postponed until Saturday night.

Sunday morning was exhausting. More so emotionally than physically. As most of you may know, our middle son, Koby, is autistic. He has really been on edge lately and I’m thinking it’s because of the uncertainty from day to day. He NEEDS routine and structure. During the school year he has that, but now that it’s summer vacation and we aren’t sure what’s on the agenda from day to day, he shuts down and whether he knows it or not, he has extreme anxiety about what his day is going to look like. Don’t get me wrong, more times than not he is excited and willing to do things spur of the moment. But this morning, his behavior was wretched. One thing I have learned about Koby in his 9 years on this earth is that when his morning starts off on the wrong foot, there’s no coming back from that in his mind. He doesn’t understand why he can’t snap out of it. As his mama, I knew if we took him to church after he had been argumentative and so uneasy all morning, that it would be a disaster. As his parents, we did not want to set ourselves up for an even more stressful morning, and we certainly didn’t want to do that to Koby or the Sunday school teacher. We made the decision that he should stay home from church and that Jordan would stay home with him since I stayed home with Klara last week when she was sick. Koby had a much better day after he took a nap, but y’all, I just wish I knew what was going through his mind every minute of the day so I could make things more comfortable for him. As a mom, there’s nothing I want more than to know my babies are safe, happy, and taken care of every second of every day.

I love the outfit I put together for church today!

Dress- Old Navy

Necklace- Target

Shoes- Nordstrom

The message our pastor, Matt, shared this morning was incredible. His sermon was titled, “Telling Your Story”. It spoke to me at the most perfect time because I am just starting my vlog and have prayed about what I should share. I know that might sound like a silly prayer, but when I talk to God each day, I don’t leave anything out. I need his guidance in every aspect of my life. This morning Matt talked about why we should tell our story, what happens when we DON’T tell our stories, and how we share our stories.

Some of the key points were that we shouldn’t hide away the ugly things, the bad things, or the embarrassing things because some people relate more to our scars than to our trophies. People want to relate to us and they can’t do that if we portray a perfectly put-together life.

When we share our stories, God can work THROUGH us. When we don’t, the devil works ON us. Believe it or not, but our stories can be used to set people free. The hard things do not determine who you are, but how great God is. Your story is more about His grace than your disgrace. You guys, share what you have been through. All the hard stuff, all the good stuff. And then share what God has done in you, through you, and with you!

Matt referenced his sermon to the book of John. (John 4:5-42) In these verses, what Jesus knew about this woman didn’t keep Him from her and it didn’t keep her from talking about Him. He related this women’s experience with Jesus to us and a new restaurant. If a new restaurant opens and we have great service, extraordinary food, and an overall wonderful experience, we will tell people about it. We would recommend that restaurant. People couldn’t take that experience from us. If something wow’s us and we continue talking about it, someone somewhere will be interested. So today, share an experience you’ve had with Jesus. Tell people about it. Set the stage for people to meet Jesus in what He’s done for us.

I don’t know about you, but I know for a fact that I am proof He works, He lives, and that He hears prayers.

I hope you have a great week!

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