I woke up this morning determined to give the whole vlog thing a try. To be completely inexperienced and to not have ANY of the suggested equipment used for vlogging, I managed with what I do have.

As I uploaded my first video tonight, I couldn’t believe I was being so vulnerable. Allowing people to see more than my perfectly edited or staged photos that I use for blog posts. Allowing them to hear me misuse or slur my words and to hear my southern accent. Allowing them to see all of my flaws because I haven’t learned how to edit videos yet. Allowing them to pass judgment on every part of my life that I show in my videos. It’s completely out of my comfort zone.

My reasoning for wanting to start a vlog are very similar to the reasons why I wanted to start this blog. Not for followers or subscribers, but to stay connected with our families and to have these short minutes of our family stored away to look back on one day when our children are grown up. Our children will never be this little again. They’re only going to get older, you guys. I miss them being babies and every stage that has led up to the kids they are now. I have chose to vlog because I know one day I’m going to want to see how they were at this age. To hear those little voices and to study their sweet faces and memorize the way they move. Things pictures cannot capture. I only wish I would have started sooner.

So here’s to a new journey and to becoming a vlogging mama capturing every day moments that make each day so special.

You can see my first vlog here.

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