Day In The Life

Before our summer vacation begins, I wanted to put together a day in the life post to remember what our weekday mornings have looked like this school year.5-5:30 I wake up and read the First 5 app, shower, and get ready.6:00 I start making breakfast. We usually have cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, waffles or pancakes, or biscuits and bacon.6:20 I wake up the kids, eat breakfast, and watch some of the news.6:45-7:25 The kids shower, get ready, I pack their lunches, dinner prep if needed, etc.7:30 We leave the house.Some mornings I make iced coffee or a smoothie to take with me.I love our drive to school. Now that the weather is warmer, we see baby geese crossing the street most mornings and the sky is always beautiful.7:50 We get to school.This is an old picture, but this is where we spend our days. Our school is beyond beautiful in the fall.Depending on my schedule, I either drop the kids off and run errands or if I’m starting the school day at 8, I get to walk in with them. On this particular morning, I dropped them off and went by Starbucks and to pick up a few things at Target for our vacation.3:00 We get out of school and head home.Depending on our baseball schedule, we eat dinner anywhere between 4-5:30.Depending on the time of our games, we are home around 8 or 10pm.On evenings that we don’t have games, we do things that need to be done around the house. Laundry, mowing the yard, etc. Jordan and Kylan go for a bike ride, we play a board game, we play outside or go to the library.8-8:30 The kids go to bed (if we’re not at baseball) and Jordan and I have a snack and watch TV. Right now our favorite snack is cheese wontons.9-10:00 We brush our teeth and go to bed.I’m excited to put together a weekend day in the life post soon! What do your week days look like?

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