Florida Vacation Part 1

Saturday | Day 1We left the house around 5:20 and drove until 8:30-9:00 and then stopped for breakfast at Waffle House.We drove for a few more hours before we had to stop for gas.We had Uncrustables and Goldfish crackers for lunch and we stopped by a rest area to stretch our legs.We arrived in Destin at 3:30 and unpacked the car.This was our home for the next 7 days!We got changed and went to the ocean. The sand was white and soft, unlike any other sand I’ve ever seen, y’all.The ocean was like bath water. It’s so warm and you can look straight down and see your feet!That night we ate at Merlins Pizza. Jordan got a small supreme pizza and I got a small bbq chicken pizza. The kids split a large pepperoni pizza and breadsticks.Sunday | Day 2We started the morning off with breakfast in the room and then we went to the playground.We went to the pool and the kids had a blast!We went back to the room for lunch. We had sandwiches and chips.That afternoon we went to the ocean.We ate dinner on the beach at The Sand Bar. Jordan and Kylan had hot dogs and chips. My aunt and I had burgers and chips, Aaron had a cheese quesadilla, and Koby and Klara had nachos. The view was amazing!That evening my aunt took the boys to the candy store next door and then we watched the season finale of American Idol. #teamalejandro #homie #youdabestMonday | Day 3We ate breakfast in the room and were at the beach by 9:30.After we washed off the sand from the ocean, we walked to the pool and swam until 2 o’clock.We came back to the room and Jordan and my aunt grilled hamburgers and hot dogs.We didn’t do much the rest of the evening. My aunt took Aaron to urgent care and he had strep, so we popped some popcorn and took it easy the rest of the night.Less than 12 hours before we left for Florida, I made two separate trips to urgent care. Klara had a stomach virus, a UTI, and two ear infections. Kylan had walking pneumonia and tested positive for strep. The pharmacy had trouble with their insurance but because we were leaving at 5am the next morning, we paid $200 out of pocket for their prescriptions. Exactly what you DON’T want to happen before going on vacation. Tuesday | Day 4I woke up to a coffee delivery from Jordan. He had went to Bad Ass Coffee and picked me up a Monkey Mocha. It was phenomenal.We spent the day at the pool.For lunch/dinner we went to LuLu’s. It was one of our favorite picks in Destin. The food, the view, and the gift shop were all spectacular.After we ate, we done some shopping.That evening the boys went to the basketball court and then we went to the park.

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