Life Lately

Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mama’s!

I can’t believe we’re going into our last week of school before summer vacation! I am so excited for field day, Klara’s Pre K graduation, and awards day! Summers with my kiddos are something I look forward to all year. Slow mornings, homecooked breakfast, the smell of sunscreen on those little faces, picnic lunches, sticky peanut butter and jelly sandwich chins, movie days, pool days, and the ice cream truck. God has been so good to us. Not every mama has the opportunity to stay home with her babies each summer.

Oh yeah. Speaking of how great our God is, I have a praise report to share with you guys. During my job transition, I had a difficult time leaving what I always referred to as my dream job, as anyone would. What I had been thrown into was horrible. I felt unsafe, taken advantage of, and hated every second of being at work. The only thing that kept me there was my faith that God had led me there for a reason and my own kiddos. Seeing them off and on each day and walking them into school every morning is something I will never take for granted.

As of last week, I was moved to Kindergarten and have had the absolute best time! I am grateful for a principal that is easy to talk to and coworkers that are so supportive. I am so glad that I was obedient to God and stuck through the hard times. My compliance to His request paved the way for a life-changing blessing. A dear friend shared an article with me during my struggles with my new job and the last paragraph read,

When you choose to obey the Lord, he will bless you. This is because obedience always leads to blessing. I have always told people who say they do not understand why God is asking them to do a certain thing that if they will obey him, he will reward them with a sense of peace and joy that compares to nothing this world has to offer. Therefore, set a goal to obey the Lord and watch him work in your life.

Let that be a reminder for you today.

Since my last post Koby started his baseball season.

We have visited the library.

We finished Klara’s graduation cap.

We were showered with love for Teacher’s Appreciation week. We had breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks provided to us each day. We have the absolute best principal and PTO committee.

We have eaten entirely too much pizza at Johnny Bruscos.

Kylan has almost outgrown his mama.

Klara got the cutest haircut ever.

I’m looking forward to posting a Day in the Life post soon and be watching for our vacation post in a few weeks!

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