Life Lately

How was your Easter? Even though I didn’t take as many pictures as I had hoped, ours was full of family, food, and celebration because He is risen!

We celebrated my birthday on my actual birthday this year. It fell on a Friday so after work Jordan took me shopping and then we met my best friend at Olive Garden for dinner around 8pm. Salad, breadsticks and pasta are my love language y’all.

Flowers were delivered to my elementary school and they were so beautiful.

Some other things that have been happening lately is a whole lotta baseball. We play 2 to 3 games a week and this weekend we had special tournament games, team and individual pictures. Being at the field is therapy to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love basketball and football, but there’s just something about the weather, nachos, and slides into home that make baseball my favorite.

Pre K had career day at school and Klara kept going back and forth between a teacher, a pharmacist, a veterinarian, and a beautician. I was thrilled with her final decision because she made the sweetest little teacher I have ever seen!

The Challengers League started their baseball season this weekend. Because of a muddy field from all of the rain we received on Friday, they were unable to play but are hopeful to kick off the season next weekend. Koby was so excited to see all of his friends. This is his first year trying baseball and we’re hoping he loves every minute of it!

In the upcoming weeks we are looking forward to Pre K graduation, awards day at school, and our family vacation to Florida! Our wedding anniversary is coming up and our princess is turning 5 years old. Planning her party is always so much fun. We are so excited that she has a bunch of sweet friends to invite this year.

What’s been going on in your life lately?

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