Accepting Change

For as long as I can remember, my dream has been to teach. To have my own classroom, my own students, and to inspire them each and every day.

When I was 7 years old, I remember playing school with my easel and “grading” papers all day long. Even back then, going down the school supplies aisle and buying classroom stuff was my favorite hobby. My neighbor had a vintage school desk in her bedroom and endless amounts of notebook paper. I remember taking spelling tests every time I went over to her house. That is one of my favorite childhood memories.

I have always purchased things for my “classroom” that I didn’t have because I would always say, “One day I’ll be able to use this.” Teaching has always been my passion. After teaching in a head start classroom for 5 years, I was blessed with the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. It wasn’t until after that chapter in my life that God would open a door. He provided me with my dream job. I was chosen to teach a Pre K classroom.

I have had the opportunity to live out my dream this school year. I have prepared lesson plans, attended teaching conferences, webinars, and have put my heart and soul into helping my students thrive. I have completely fallen in love with them and with being a Pre K teacher.

However, sometimes God gives us an alternative. And sometimes, it isn’t an easy decision to make. I found myself being chosen for an interview with a local public school. I was never intentionally looking for another job. After all, I have told myself every day that I am living my dream. I had it all figured out- I would be teaching Pre K for the rest of my life because it is what I have always wanted. I prayed about it immensely and made the decision to go through with the interviewing process on March 18th and left the rest up to God.

The very next day I received a phone call from HR informing me that I had been selected for the position. I was asked if I was still interested in the job and if so, my paperwork would be sent to the superintendent for final approval. I replied with, “Yes ma’am.” From that moment on, I was at war with myself. Weighing out the pros and cons, praying consistently, pleading for answers.

The pros include being at the same school as my own kids, being on the same schedule as them, and a small pay increase. There are also opportunities for growth- to move into another position or to continue my own education. The possibilities are endless. But the con that I kept going back to was, “But this is not my dream job.” And that has been the most difficult thing to accept. I would be leaving my class that I love so much, as well as their families and the coworkers that bring a smile to my face each day. However, it isn’t often that a job opportunity like that comes along. Out of all the schools in the district, it just happens to be at my kids school, with their teachers whom I admire. This could be such a wonderful learning experience for me.

It was about that time that I started to see everything as a reassuring sign. What’s amazing about our God is that when you pray, begging for answers and the wisdom to recognize those answers, you receive them in all kinds of ways.

On March 21st, I heard back from HR and was told that I was hired for the position. Later that day, I went to the central office and completed my paperwork. A few days later I had my badge made. I emailed my boss with a 2 weeks notice last Friday and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Over the weekend, I typed out a letter to the parents of the children in my class and cried the entire time. Little did I know, it would get much harder than that.

Once I sent home the letter to each family, I received text messages from parents. I cried for 2 days straight. When my boss came into my classroom and hugged me with tears in her eyes, I couldn’t help but to cry. I know some people see this as “just a job change,” but to me, I am leaving a piece of my heart with that school. With each of my students and with each of their families.

Here is to accepting change. New journeys. New school. New students. New experiences.

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