Dear Kylan

Dear Kylan,

You have made me so proud these past 10 years. I have always heard wonderful things from your teachers and coaches for as long as I can remember. Yesterday you really proved how special you are. When I received a phone call from the school board a few months ago, I know you were honored to be chosen for your incredible leadership skills. I was honored to be your mom then and I’m honored to be your mom now. You worked hard, along with the other kids and adults on the committee, for months, planning such an incredible event.

Watching as you were recognized yesterday, as you led your part of the event, as you publically spoke to your peers, my heart was so full. You did an amazing job.

When the director of special education services noticed that I was watching you with stars in my eyes she said, “Are you Kylan’s mom?” When I told her yes, she said, “I just want you to know he is the definition of compassion. You’ve done an amazing job, mom.” Then she went on to tell me about your selflessness and acts of kindness you have shown to others. You are incredible, Kylan.

As the event came to an end, listening to your 5th grade class speak over the microphone about how grateful they were for the event, what it taught them, and how it has impacted their lives, brought tears to my eyes. Even one of your classmates that took the microphone was in tears, as well as some of the adults on the committee. You were a part of a very moving event. One of the only 12 kiddos chosen to be recognized. That is something to be proud of.

At the end of the program, the wonderful lady that organized the event was handing out bandanas. She asked if I had a child on the committee and when I said your name, it literally took her breath away. She gasped, put her hand on her chest, and threw her head back and said you were such an inspiration to everyone. That you have shown so much compassion and kindness unto others and that she was so thankful you were a part of the event.

You have no idea how happy you make me and you will never understand how much I love you. Never. Thank you for loving others. Thank you for being kind. Thank you for doing what you know God expects from you. You are such a blessing to so many people. I pray every day that I can be a blessing to someone somewhere some day in some way. And here you are, not even eleven years old, blessing others each and evey day with your kindness. Please don’t ever stop caring for others. Be a friend to everyone and continue doing what you’re doing. You are extraordinary.



For those of you who may be reading this and are curious about the event, it was called Camp Compassion. It was an event specifically designed for the fifth grade class that will be transitioning to middle school in the fall. Camp Compassion was an event to raise awareness about disabilities and to encourage the kids to have compassion and empathy towards others. The kids got to use crutches, wheelchairs, be blindfolded and use a walking stick. They made instruments as they learned about sensory processing disorders and how sounds can be extremely difficult for certain children. They painted pictures using only their mouths, to have an understanding on how it would feel to not have arms. The committee even designed tshirts that the students were able to keep.

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