Our Month in Pre K

In my last post I covered the first unit of January. It was Winter | Snow and we made snow dough, hot chocolate, and learned all about winter.

Our Classroom Circus

Our circus unit was so much fun!

We made popcorn art, pretended to be clowns, made circus soup, and performed circus acts. We walked a tightrope, balanced balls on our heads, jumped through “hoops of fire”, and we each had a turn being the ringmaster. We even had cotton candy while we read circus stories.

I printed off circus tickets and the kids had to show their tickets to “pay” for their popcorn. Once they had their popcorn they were led to the rug where we watched The Little Engine That Could. The kids noticed immediately that there were people and animals on the train that would belong in the circus!

We graphed our favorite circus acts and graphed words to describe popcorn.

Penguins, Polar Bears, and Other Polar Animals

For our polar animals unit, we painted igloos.

I planned a fun math activity that the kiddos loved! I made copies of a penguin photo and gave one to each kid. They would roll two dice and then count out that many goldfish to “feed” their penguin.

The kiddos used their imaginations and made igloos in the block center.

In science class the kids made blubber to see how animals stay warm in winter! We even used balls to waddle like penguins.


In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we read a book, had a class discussion about kindness and equality, colored pictures, and made hats as we listened to some of MLK’s famous speeches.

Hibernation | Groundhog Day

We had so much fun learning about hibernation. We brought our favorite bears to school, made them a cave, and followed visual directions to create a bear snack!

On Friday we learned about groundhogs. We read Groundhog Gets A Say and graphed Do You Think The Groundhog Will See Its Shadow? We even made groundhog hats!

That evening one of my sweet students had a groundhog themed birthday party! It was adorable. As party favors they had homemade groundhog hats and even had a projector so the kids could make animal shadows. Their sweet family allowed my kiddos to tag along for the party and a special groundhog day hike.

In February we will be learning about Fairy Tales | Nursery Rhymes, Valentine’s Day, Presidents Day, and Dr. Seuss! I can’t wait to share all the details and photos.

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