He Performs Miracles

Let’s just start with this. Kylan owned the basketball court today! His whole team played extraordinary and I’m pretty sure everyone on the team made a basket! They played so well as a team, I have never seen anything like it. Their passing was perfection and their shots were just as impressive. Kylan’s lay ups and all of his assists were ON POINT! He has become an excellent blocker. He waits until the other team goes to shoot then uses his height to his advantage. These past two games his blocks have been something you would see in high school basketball. I have heard people in the stands “oh” and “ahh” at some of the blocks he has made and it makes my mama heart want to burst. I know I’m boasting, but I’m giving God all the glory. He has truly blessed Kylan. If you would have told me 7 years ago that Kylan would be playing the best game of basketball I’ve ever seen in this age group, I’m not sure I would be able to believe you. He is living proof that our God is capable of, and still performs, miracles today.

If you’re a new follower to my blog, you can read about Kylan’s story here:


Today as we were leaving the school, his teammates were patting him on the back and swooning over his awesome plays today. One kid said, “How many shots did you make?!” And an adult in the crowd said, “All of ’em!” Adults I have never seen before were calling out, “Way to go, 23!”

Let me follow that up with saying this: Kylan is such a good kid. He cheers on his teammates, passes them the ball so they can have an opportunity to make a shot, and I have never heard him brag about his skills. He is the perfect example of good sportsmanship. Today after his game he was playing with some of his friends on the xbox. I overheard him say, “Our team worked so hard today, everyone worked hard and scored.” Someone replied and he reassured them that he “misses a lot of shots” and is “not any better than the rest of the team.” Being an almost 11 year old boy in a world that is so competitive, hearing him say those things made me realize that he’s a better person than many grownups. I’ve heard how kind he is from adults, kids, teachers, and strangers. It shows through his actions. I could not be more proud of him.

Y’all, I have done so many wrong things in my life. I have sinned repeatedly and have done terrible things in my life and in my marriage. I am continually begging for forgiveness and trusting God to lead me and to guide my steps. His mercy is infinite. No matter what may happen tomorrow, next month, or in the years to come, He has allowed me to be a mom to my three children for as long as I have and that is a true blessing. I am so undeserving of His love. Of my children’s love. Of my husband’s love. But God had plans for my life that I wouldn’t have ever imagined for myself. Even when I stumble, He still continues to bless me and I will continue to praise Him. That is what I hope to teach my children. That because of His grace and mercy, we can live a wonderful life. That through all the trails, we must give glory to Him for all of our gifts and talents because they come from above. Without God, we would live empty, meaningless lives.

This post wasn’t planned. I had planned on typing out a post about my successful week in the classroom, but God had a different plan. He caught me by surprise like He does a lot of times. Maybe someone reading this needed a reminder of how gracious He is and to be reassured of His capabilities to perform miracles in our lives.

There is so much to be thankful for, friends. I know there are awful things happening to good people and unfortunate things happening each and every day. There is sickness, hatred, and poverty all over. There are ungodly leaders with hearts that are so unkind, dividing our country more than ever before. Depression, anxiety, and mental illnesses seem to be at an all time high. But you guys, God promises that this is only temporary. That there is something so wonderful after this life on earth. We have to have faith. I promise, He won’t let us down.

If you’re reading this and you aren’t a believer, I challenge you to look into the bible study The Case for Christ. There is also a movie, but the in depth bible study will be sure to change your heart.

If you’re reading this and have an intimate relationship with God, I challenge you to reflect on the miracles He has performed in your life and to share them in the comments. I would love to hear your stories.

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