Christmas Cheer

As I type this, I am on the couch watching a Hallmark movie. Can it just be Christmas all over again? And can Christmas break be extended just a few more weeks?

Each year I look forward to decorating for Christmas.

On December 16th, Koby had his basketball banquet. You guys, being at the banquet surrounded by other kids, their parents, and knowing that they understand Koby, or at least what it’s like to parent a child with special needs, made it a warm and special place to be. There is never anything less than pure happiness when we are at events for the Tri-cities Challengers. The kids are the happiest people you will ever meet and honestly, my husband and I leave events feeling so inspired and so grateful that we are able to be a part of such a wonderful organization.

This Christmas was extra special for our family! My aunt and her son flew in from Maryland and stayed until December 23rd. We were able to celebrate the holidays with them and it was lots of fun.

We had movie nights at the house, went bowling, out to eat, and shared lots of laughs. The best part? We had a sleepover at my papaw’s house and I laughed harder than I have in a long time. Jordan and I slept on an air mattress that went completely flat before 11pm, Klara slept on a chair cushion, the three boys slept on the mattress from the fold out couch bed, my aunt slept on the couch, and my papaw sat in his recliner until he went to bed.

The best gift of all was seeing how happy it made him- having his loved ones at his house. He woke up the next morning and made everyone toast and bacon, and had cereal and bowls on the countertop.

On Christmas eve we went to my mom’s. We ate too much cake and opened too many gifts. Afterwards, we came home and opened gifts, then got ready for Santa.

Our kids were so excited and very grateful for their gifts. They even said that this was the best Christmas they have had. Nothing makes a mama’s heart as full as words that are as sweet as those.

Christmas morning is my favorite. Sweet surprised faces and squeals of excitement. We spent the morning playing with our new toys and games, then went to Jordan’s mom’s at 1pm. Her bingo prizes are always the best!

Jordan started third shift at work that night and it’s been a huge adjustment for our whole family. Trying to keep the kids quiet while he sleeps during the day has been difficult, so today we went to the library and out for lunch. Daddy ended up surprising us there and the kids were so excited!

We have been eating dinner at 6 o’clock (which is another huge adjustment because we are usually eating at 4 o’clock) and where Jordan doesn’t leave until 9, we have been night owls the past three nights. šŸ˜¬ Once Christmas break is over and I start back to work and the kids start back to school, we plan on having the kids in bed at 8 and then Jordan and I will spend some quality time together before he has to leave. He seems to think that third shift is only temporary, but this promotion came with a small pay raise. Our God is so good!

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