In the Classroom

Y’all, has this past month been a whirlwind or what?! This week our curriculum officially begun and I am so happy with the way things have been going. As a teacher, when you feel like you have successfully taught a unit it is the most rewarding feeling ever. My calendar/curriculum was typed up at the end of last month so I had plenty of time to visit the library for the books I needed and had time to gather materials for each lesson. This week our unit is All About Me. We have read lots of fun stories, made self portraits, learned about our personalities, bodies, and feelings.

I sent home a brown bag activity where the kids brought 5 items from home that told us about themselves. It was so much fun! The kiddos called it “show and tell” and loved passing around their items to show their friends.

Because it’s our first week of curriculum and because it has only been a 4 day week, I haven’t incorporated small group activities into our day. I’m hoping those are as successful as well. We will also start working on letter sounds and rhyming words next week.

I’m going to share my favorite things I have handed out to my parents this week. Maybe it will give my fellow teachers some helpful ideas!

I love this editable homework calendar. I edited mine just a bit, put my name at the top in a cute font, printed it off, had my assistant make copies, and sent them home. These things are not mandatory and do not have to be turned in. I have some students that are just so eager to learn and their families want to be involved in their learning, so this is perfect for them!

I love this so much. I printed one off for each kiddo and can’t wait to get responses! As a parent, I adire those special teachers that go the extra mile so I’m hoping that my parents appreciate it from me as well.

I want to share a short video of my favorite things in my classroom. Please keep in mind that I have so much more I need to do before I’m completely satisfied. For example, I need to laminate and hang up my cute alphabet above our calendar bulletin board and need to get on my Cricut and make something to go above our word wall. Empty wall space irritates me! Overall, I love how things are coming together and I have accepted the fact that it may take a while for my room to be exactly where I want it to be considering I am on a teacher’s budget.

I’m so glad you stopped by the blog. I hope you come back soon!

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