A Day in the Life: Preschool Teacher

Last week was our first week of school. Our curriculum doesn’t start until September so this month we are focusing on getting to know our new environment, our teacher, and our friends.The first week is always hectic, but this week we have settled more into a routine. Even though everything will change come September (the kids will have activity each day and there’s time set aside for small groups) at least my days are structured and the kids know what to expect the rest of this month.I know one day I will want to reflect on my first year as a Pre-K teacher so I’m going to share what I have found to be extremely helpful these first two weeks of school.Routine. Routines are so important for the kiddos. You MUST have structure and a set routine in order for your classroom to run smoothly.Positive parent relationships. I have parents phone numbers and e-mails to send them photos and updates throughout the week. I also love creating weekly newsletters and writing positive notes to send home. As a parent of a preschooler, I know that open communication with your child’s teacher is so important.Be prepared. Know what stories you want to read and what activities you want to do in advance. I have the first half of this school years lesson plans completed. It helps to have a list of library books I want to check out and any materials I need for certain activities listed for each week.Set the tone and be consistent. If there’s only one thing you take away from this post, let it be this tip. Set the tone for the classroom. Lay down the rules and do not, under any circumstance, allow the children to break them. They’re testing you. They will test you every day for the first few months. Whatever you do, do not let them take toys from one center into another. Do not let them leave a center without cleaning up first. Do not let them be too loud or too rowdy. Do not let them act like a bunch of wild animals during circle time. I could go on and on, but you catch my drift.A Peek Into My ClassroomI’m still changing things up and I am in the process of making a seating chart. We just started our classroom jobs today!I couldn’t end today’s post without sharing this picture. Today was Klara’s first day or Pre-K and she had a great time! Her teacher said she made a friend named Sarah and Klara told me that she napped, played, climbed a structure on the playground “all by herself”, ate pancakes for breakfast, and had a ham sandwich and strawberry milk for lunch.New friends, glitter shoes, a nap, and strawberry milk. You’re too cool, kid.

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