A Letter To My Children

The three of you are growing up so fast. Last night while we were outside catching lightning bugs, it hit me. This is one of those moments that I’m going to miss so much once it’s gone.


Last night you came into mommy and daddy’s room, which you haven’t done in so long, and you tickled our feet. Your little giggles as you tried waking us up melted my heart. I invited you into our bed instead of walking you back to your own and it was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. You softly said, “You want me to sweep (sleep) here tonight?” And you snuggled up against me. I rubbed your little face and kissed your cheeks. We shared my blanket, you asked if we could bake chocolate chip cookies soon, and I sang you your song. By the time I finished the last verse, you were asleep.

You have grown up before my eyes. It seems like yesterday I was boiling baby bottles and washing sleepers to pack for the hospital. That was four years ago. I miss the baby smell, holding you in one arm, feeding you your bottles, and carrying you in your carseat. I miss feeling your little body against mine as I would burp you, the sound of your cry when you wanted to be held, and the smell of your baby blankets. It all happened so fast.

That little baby has grown up into a Barbie loving, YouTube watching, soccer playing big girl. You will be starting school soon and I love when you call it “Three-K“. I love listening to you play barbies in your room and when you come running up to me and say, “Thank you so much for this Barbie you bought me!” You are so grateful for things that other people have given you. Nana brought you a new pair of shorts to Mema’s last weekend and you were so excited that you had to put them on under your church dress as soon as she handed them to me.

You love rainbow ice cream, cheeseburger happy meals, and gummy worms. Your favorite shows are Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol, and Sid the Science Kid, but you love watching Ryan on YouTube more than you love biscuits and gravy and that’s sayin’ a lot. You have watched Repunzel every night at bedtime for months, but last night you chose Moana instead. Our duet of How Far I’ll Go is one of my most favorite things ever. See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls meeee.

I am so excited to watch you grow up. Don’t ever forget how much I love you and those beautiful brown eyes.


I am so proud of you! You are going into the third grade and I am so excited for this new adventure. I want you to know that I will always be on your side and that I will always put your needs before my own. When you turned three years old, that is when my fight for you began. It seemed like it was a constant struggle with teachers, doctors, and gastroenterologists. I knew from the second I received that first phone call from your teacher that I wouldn’t stop advocating for you. It took many years, but God crossed our paths with some phenomenal people and you were finally diagnosed, understood, and accepted. You are so loved, Koby.

You love your blanket, back scratches, eggs, books, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, lasagna, and learning. Your little mind is so incredible. You are always creating characters and coming up with creative ideas.

You make me and your dad laugh constantly, you are such a joy in our lives. Don’t ever change who you are, no matter what. You make my world so much better and I am so blessed to be your mom.


My firstborn. My MVP. I could never tell you enough how proud I am to be your mom. You have such a big heart and love your family so much. You give more than you take and you want everyone to be happy, even if it means sacrificing something for yourself. You take Gatorades to baseball practice and are sure to share with the kids that don’t have their own. When we go to the grocery store you pick out Gatorade flavors that they like, not necessarily what you like. You spend your birthday money on things for your brother and sister and if there’s any money left over, you buy something for me. You put everyone else above yourself and that makes me so proud. It makes God proud, too.

You made the all stars baseball team this year and our first game is tomorrow. I am so excited for you and the new friendships you have made and all of the talent you have. I know that you will use all of your talents that God has given you to glorify Him in some way. He has big plans for you. Your love for football, basketball, and baseball aren’t coincidental. He planted that love for sports in your heart for a reason and you will do great things!

You haven’t been a little boy in so long, but I haven’t forgotten those open mouth kisses or those squishy cheeks. The way you would stand in front of the tv and bend your knees to dance will forever be one of my favorite memories.

I have never had to worry about your grades or your behavior when you’re at school because you have always been such a good kid. You have been on the honor roll and are always praised by your teachers. What could make me happier? Just remember that it isn’t always going to be easy. You have to work hard for those A’s. You have to put in lots of practice to excel in sports. You have to remain humble and kind and always remember to love others, even if they don’t deserve it.

You love ESPN, your xbox one, Steph Curry, baseball practice, your new big barrel bat, 7th Heaven, and playing board games. Yesterday Klara beat us both when we played Life.

Thank you for always being so helpful. So thoughtful. So loving. Thank you for being you.



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