Life Lately

Is it just me or does time seem to slip away from you as you age? The older I get, the faster time seems to pass.

Life lately has been crazy. The soccer season ended for Klara, we spent a week in the Outer Banks, school let out for the summer, we finished up the baseball season, and now all of those things have been replaced with more things.

Koby is attending a 4 week summer school program with his teacher and other classmates, swimming lessons are coming up for him and Klara, and Kylan made the all-star baseball team for his league which means practice every day except Sunday, and twice a day three times a week. It is intense. Not only is it intense, but it’s fun for Kylan and exciting for us as his parents. We are so proud of him and love that he has been given this opportunity. He’s making new friends, learning new things, and is determined to be the best baseball player he can be.

Today we went to church and to Jordan’s mom’s for lunch. She had fried chicken, macaroni salad, baked beans, and chocolate cake. Southern hospitality at its finest.

Jordan’s Nana and Aunt Renee joined us as well and it always fills my heart to the brim when we are surrounded by family.

Jordan’s Nana came in carrying a new pair of denim shorts for Klara and you would have thought someone had just told her she won a trip to Disney or something. She has never worn anything that doesn’t have an elastic waistband (because her mama is an every day supporter of yoga pants 🙌) so she thought the button and zipper on her new shorts were the best thing ever!

We tackled Kroger for this week’s groceries and as soon as we got home, my husband swore he would never go to the grocery store with “our three kids ever again,” so, as you can imagine, we had a great time. 🙊🙈

This week for dinner we bought

  • Pork chops / potatoes / green beans
  • Lasagna / garlic bread
  • Roast / carrots / potatoes / rolls
  • Roast leftovers for sandwiches
  • Chili / cornbread

We only planned for 4 days of dinner (5 if you count leftovers) because on Wednesdays the kids eat at church and Friday night will start Kylan’s baseball games in Damascus so we will probably just grab some takeout before or after his game.

Last week I cleaned out our flower bed and planted Klara’s tomato plant she got for her birthday. She is obsessed with it, y’all. Every morning when we step outside she says, “Oh, my matoes are turning red! When dey all turn red we can pick dem and make a ogna (bologna) sandwich!”

She is so loving towards her strawberries and her tomatoes, and as her mama I can only hope it’s a reflection of how loving and nurturing I am towards her.

We have went to the splash pad, to the movies, and to the playground so far but there are so many other fun things I can’t wait to do with these munchkins before summer is over!

Here’s to a summer vacation full of family, baseball games, swimming, and bologna sandwiches. ✌

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