Barbie Birthday Bash

Monday was Klara’s fourth birthday. We celebrated with cake and presents and had a Barbie Bash to celebrate with our family and friends on Friday!

I always dreamed of having a little girl and it’s everything I imagined it would be and more. Painted nails, bows, tutu’s and Barbie dolls. I can’t get enough of it.

Her squeals of excitement and a heart full of love with every gift she opened melted my heart .

Jordan and I made our special strawberry cake again this year, requested by the birthday girl, and I think it just might be a tradition now.

“My birthday means strawberry cake, mom. You knnnnow it’s my favorite!”

Barbie table clothes, Barbie plates and Barbie cups. I was so excited when I bought centerpieces and a 6 foot backdrop… until windy weather happened. It has rained and stormed for what seems like weeks on end. The centerpieces wouldn’t stay put and the backdrop wasn’t even hung up. Party fail.

All of the kids played on the playground and went on a train ride. I love seeing their smiling faces!

I am so thankful for wonderful family and friends that make celebrations so special and especially thankful for this princess who has forever changed my life.

Happy 4 years, Klara Faye!

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