A Peek Into Our Week

Happy Friday! It has been such a busy week for us.

On Monday the boys returned to school from spring break. They had a week full of fun in Gatlinburg, visiting car museums, the Ripley’s Guinness World Records museum, digging for fossils, and reading books. Here are some of my favorite pictures from their break.

Monday morning Klara had an appointment with her pediatrician for her physical for Pre K. Still in the 99th percentile for her weight and still as perfect as ever.

Afterwards, since Dunkin Donuts is conveniently across the street, I treated myself to an iced coffee to celebrate my birthday week!

We went grocery shopping and came out under budget! Now that is something worth celebrating.

That evening Kylan had his first baseball game. The weather was wet and sooo cold, but we managed.

On Tuesday morning Klara and I went to the library for story time.

We had some things to return at Dick’s Sporting Goods and grabbed some lunch while we were out.

That evening Kylan had baseball practice. Jordan was finishing up what needed to be done to his car so I tackled practice with all 3 kids. There was a game going on so while Kylan’s team was at the batting cages, I watched the other games with some nachos and an icee. Just livin’ that mom life.

On Wednesday I played catch up with the laundry and caught up on my favorite shows. DVR is one of the greatest things ever.

That evening we went to church. The kids put on a performance for revival and it was such a wonderful time. The pews were full and we had all of our babies listening to the pastor. What more could you ask for?

Thursday was my birthday! I woke up to gifts from Jordan and sweet babies wishing me a happy birthday a dozen times. To celebrate, Klara and I went to Bojangles and brought home breakfast. One of my most favorite things about being a stay at home mom is my time with her at the table while we eat breakfast. There’s nothing like a slow morning with my girl, thanking God for our food and sipping some coffee before the rest of the day is busy and fast paced.

Our day was so busy that instead of having cake, we had Dove chocolates. My man sure knows the way to my heart. He has made plans to have a party for me on Sunday and I am so excited!

I made an early dinner, washed and ironed shirts and uniforms, and packed up our cooler.

Soccer has been going great! Our first game was canceled due to inclimate weather and our next game isn’t until the 23rd, but practices are always fun.

As soon as soccer practice was over we had to head to the ball field. Kylan’s game started at 7:45 and we didn’t get home until after 10 o’clock. Luckily for us it was such a beautiful day so having a late night under the ball park lights with chili cheese fries and a cherry icee was pretty perfect. Except for losing our kids for a whole 10 minutes. Ya can’t win ’em all, right?

It is supposed to be another beautiful day today and Jordan is taking me out to dinner and to spend my birthday money. Here’s to 28!

Have a great weekend!

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