Pizza and a Special Teacher

Things have been really fast paced around here lately. Three birthday parties between Kylan and Koby, soccer registration, baseball evaluations, church, appointments, signing Klara up for Pre-K. The list goes on and on.

After Kylan’s sleepover and his and Koby’s Minecraft party, we had Koby’s pizza party at Johnny Brusco’s. We got an order of garlic knots, a pepperoni pizza and a cheese pizza. Koby could not have chosen a more perfect place to celebrate.

You know how God seems to place certain people in our lives at the most unexpected times? When we changed the boys school in August, I had a hard time. I cried day and night. When my husband mentioned Ms. Campbell’s name (Koby’s teacher from his old school) I would burst into tears and cry for hours. I could not stand the thought of transitioning our autistic son, who was finally doing well in school and had finally developed friendships, into a new home, a new school, and tossing him into a world of new faces.

I knew how long it had took for us to finally be in a “good place” and once things were finally settled, we moved to a new school district. I had to fully rely on God to get me through it and I prayed for my boys every single day.

In a miracle-type-of-way our paths crossed with Ms. Cordle. I had registered the boys for the elementary school right down the street and the staff was so kind. We even met the boys teachers the same day I had registered them. However, Jordan and I were very straightforward with them and assured them that a regular classroom setting would not work for Koby. They continued to reassure us that they would do all they could to meet his needs, but even then something just didn’t feel right.

The next day the director of Special Education called me for an IEP meeting that morning. I made arrangements for the kids and was sure to make it to that meeting because I knew how important it was that I be Koby’s advocate.

I walked in, saw some familiar faces and some new faces and introduced myself. I was asked to explain Koby’s situation and while I was speaking, a lady walked in with her arms full of papers and folders, and her soft voice was apologizing that she was late. I was instantly drawn to her, although I had no idea who she was, what her title was, or what role she would play in my son’s education.

They introduced us and it turned out that Ms. Cordle was a special education teacher at a school across town and after speaking with Ms. Campbell, the director of Special Education, the school principal and guidance counselor had made the decision that Koby should be sent to Ms. Cordle’s classroom to better fit his needs. Transportation would be provided and Kylan would be able to attend there as well. I was asked if I could meet her at her classroom so we could discuss Koby’s situation and to briefly create an IEP so she would have an idea of what to expect the first day of school (that was just a couple of days away). Still to this day, the director of Special Education says that Ms. Cordle is a rockstar– that there is no other teacher out there like her. And you know what? He is so right.

We are now into the 7th month of school and Ms. Cordle has been phenomenal. Something that I was so worried about in the beginning has turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to our son. He loves going to school now. He has developed so many friendships and feels important and so incredibly smart because Ms. Cordle, along with the other teachers in the classroom, make him feel nothing short of extraordinary.

This is only one example I can give you. Koby gave out 20 invitations at school for his birthday party and no one contacted me to RSVP. No one except Ms. Cordle. And the day of the party when Koby and I opened the door to the restaurant, she was standing there with a gift in her hand and a huge smile on her face.

Ms. Cordle has been such a blessing to our entire family. You have special teachers, but then you have your extraordinary teachers that truly make the world a better place and impact your life forever. Ms. Cordle is just that kind of person and I thank God for her each and every day.

After we had pizza we took Koby to a movie and to Game Stop so he could spend some of his birthday money. He bought a new Nintendo DS and a new game, Mario Maker.

That one on one time we have with our babies is always so special to us. We haven’t had a “mom, dad and Koby day” in so long. It was a weekend full of pizza, icees, popcorn and Mario.

It was late when we got home that night, but the next morning I picked up his favorite breakfast (a gravy biscuit and cheddar rounds from Pals) and we took him to Just Jump!

After we picked up our other two kiddos, we spent the afternoon shopping. Kylan needed new cleats for baseball and I had an Old Navy gift card that I have been wanting to use and finally got around to buying some new clothes.

The next day I took Klara to Target to buy her spring/summer clothes that she desperately needed.

I’ve been so excited about the warmer weather, spring break and summer vacation coming up that I have been working on our summer bucket list and planning our vacation in May. More details on that soon, as well as what’s on our packing list for our family of five!

What’s on your summer bucket list? Do you have a special teacher in your life? I would love to hear your stories!

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