Daddy Daughter Dance and Valentine’s Day

Last week I ended up at urgent care with Kylan. He was fine Monday morning and came home from school congested. It came on so suddenly. He was up at 4 a.m. vomiting and complaining of body aches and chills. I was sure he had caught the flu, but luckily the test came back negative.

Once the stomach virus moved out, he developed a terrible cough. He coughed non-stop on Wednesday, but our God heals and answers prayers and our boy was back to school and basketball practice on Thursday.

On Friday Jordan started feeling bad so he didn’t make it through our usual family movie night. Klara went to the movies with my sister in law and saw Peter Rabbit so it was just me and the boys. We watched Back to the Future and they loved it!

Saturday morning we had a basketball game and by the time we got home that afternoon, I felt horrible. It hit me so quick with no warning. I was suddenly sooo tired and extremely nauseous. It was a long day, but when you have a husband as cute as mine that rubs your legs while you watch 10 Things I Hate About You, you’re too blessed to complain. Twelve and a half hours of sleep that night helped tremendously.

Sunday was Klara’s Daddy Daughter dance. She was so excited!

I heard that they had a great time and that daddy actually danced!

I love Valentine’s Day. I woke my babies up to gifts, festive pancakes and strawberry milk.

I love holiday messes.

This year Valentine’s Day fell on a Wednesday so we were able to celebrate with our church family as well. Jordan is still working overtime so he didn’t get home until 4 o’clock and we leave for church at 5. I worked extra hard on a special dinner for Jordan and it was delicious.

How was your Valentine’s Day?

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