Our Beautiful Life

Happy Monday! This morning I woke up to Jordan kissing my forehead, iced coffee, and 2 Kings 2. If you’ve read some of my past posts, you might remember me mentioning that I follow along with the First 5 app. I love that I can spend the first 5 minutes of my day in scripture and prayer. Today’s reading is 2 Kings 2, a study on Elijah and Elisha and our own calling. God has given each of us a purpose and today I pray that we will boldly step out into what His calling is for our lives.

We are all unique with our own personalities, passions, opportunities, ministries and gifts — but one thing remains the same — it is our united faith in Christ and His Spirit within us that enables us to live out our calling.

A lot of fun things have happened this week. Monday evening we had a family day out to the park so we could play basketball with Kylan and then we went out for ice cream. Isn’t it amazing how simple things like that make the most special momories? Koby got a chocolate dipped cone, I had a hot fudge sundae and Jordan, Klara, and Kylan each got a McFlurry, two with M&M’s for the kiddos and one Oreo for Jordan.

On Wednesday I took Klara shopping for her Daddy Daughter dance that’s coming up. We bought a dress that was on the clearance rack for $3 (can I get an amen?!) and she picked out the most adorable shoes!

That evening at church the kids had pizza rolls, chips, cookies, and juice boxes. They had prayer time, listened to and discussed their lesson, and then had a “block party” that went hand-in-hand with their lesson. I feel such a calm over my life and in my heart when I take my babies to church each week.

Thursday evening Jordan took Kylan to basketball practice so I could take Koby and Klara to our local library for slime night. It was so much fun!

Some other fun events they have coming up include a movie night and a cooking night where the kids will make their own ice cream. How fun is that?!

Friday the boys were out of school for snow! I made coconut toast for breakfast and we spent the morning playing outside.

Every Friday night we have family time with a movie and popcorn. I love hearing Koby say, “It’s Friday!” and Klara reminding everyone that, “It’s moooovie night!” This weekend we watched Tooth Fairy and we all loved it.

Jordan makes our popcorn on the stove and we season it ourselves– it is the best.

Jordan and I both love dips, so we tried this recipe this weekend.

Saturday morning Kylan had a basketball game. Jordan took the day off from work to be there because there are only 2 games left and he is always working on game days. There was also a Speed Shot contest that afternoon so it was a great day for him to take off work so he could attend both events. We were so glad he did because Kylan scored the first point of their game making an all-star 3 pointer giving his team their first 3 points of the game.

Kylan won first place in his age group at the Speed Shot contest bringing home a plaque, a basketball, and a shirt.

That night Jordan and I made arrangements for the kids so we could go to dinner with my best friend. We met at Texas Roadhouse around 6 o’clock and sat in the booth until 10 p.m. talking, laughing, and eating rolls. It was the best time!

Sunday morning we got breakfast at Taco Bell. Their breakfast potato burritos, an iced coffee, and cinnabons are one of my favorite breakfasts ever! Eating out doesn’t happen often because to feed our family of 5 it costs a fortune, so when Jordan and I have a morning without the kids we take full advantage of eating out.

What were some of your favorite moments from this past week?

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