DIY Laundry Sheets

Did you know fabric softeners and dryer sheets are full of chemicals? Just research it. When I done my research, it didn’t take me long to feel an overwhelming amount of guilt for using everyday products on our children. I have always heard scary things about the chemicals that are in items such as laundry soaps, shampoos, deoderants and body washes– stuff we use every day. But once you look into what these chemicals are and what they can do to our bodies, it will blow your mind.

Switiching to these DIY laundry sheets wasn’t something that I intentionally planned on doing, however I am so glad it happened. I ran out of dryer sheets over the weekend and looked up some helpful ideas on Pinterest.

It turns out that vinegar is a natural softener and static reducer. I encourage you to try these reusable, non-toxic and eco friendly DIY laundry sheets instead of the ones from the store that are loaded with all sorts of “bad stuff”.

DIY Laundry Sheets

What You’ll Need

  • An airtight container
  • Sponges
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • Essential oils


  1. Cut sponges in half and add to container
  2. Add vinegar
  3. Add 6-7 drops of your favorite essential oil
  4. Shake well and each sponge will absorb the liquid

I already had everything on hand that was needed to make these dryer sheets so I didn’t have to purchase anything. Healthy and thrifty.

I know what you’re thinking. Will my clothes smell like vinegar? The first batch I made left a hint of vinegar musk to my load of clean laundry. I had to work with my essential oils to determine how many drops I needed so that the smell of my oils would outweigh the smell of vinegar. You would think that all essential oils are generally the same, but each brand varies and some are not as potent as others. Some brands have much stronger scents than others so you will have to find a balance between the two that work for you. My favorite oils to use for our dryer sheets are lavender and orange.

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

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