Loving This Life

So many exciting things have been happening around here lately. Let’s start with these beautiful roses Jordan brought home on Friday.

Friday turned out to be a mom and Kylan morning which was amazing. I wish it could have been under different circumstances, but being with just him was special. Klara was with my mom and after I put Koby on the school bus, I took Kylan to urgent care. The last place on earth I want to be when the flu is at its peak. But hey, mama life ain’t always easy.

After freaking out as I watched him rub his hands up the armrest then TOUCH HIS FACE, we were finally called back to a room.

Just as we had suspected, he had an ear infection. But really, I was convinced that an ear infection would be the least of our worries after conquering germ city.

While we waited for the pharmacy to fill his prescription, we stopped by the library to return and renew some books.

I love coming across my favorite childhood books.

We went to Kroger to pick up his medicine and coffee creamer then picked up Klara.

That night we had popcorn and watched the third Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie.

Jordan had to work on Saturday. That night after dinner he made an oatmeal cake and we all squished together for another family movie night– Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Long Haul. We give it 5 stars! The kids love the dirty humor and Jordan and I laughed throughout the entire movie.

Me and Jordan were so excited because there were no alarms set that night– he didn’t have to work on Sunday! His first day off in 18 days. I was so happy to have him home!

Sunday morning we slept late and Jordan woke me up with snuggles and morning kisses. He offered to go to the grocery store (amen hallelujah praise the Lord!) and was so supportive of me having a slow morning.

When we went to counseling Thursday evening, we were discussing how tired Jordan must be working 7 days a week, 9 hours a day. Our counselor, Amy, was quick to remind me, “That’s also days that you haven’t had off. That means you have had the kids by yourself for 16 days, you’re working full time, too. You’re both tired.” And y’all, I had never seen it that way before, but she is so right.

I have always been a working mom because I strive to be successful for my children, but if we’re completely honest, being a stay at home mom is a much more demanding job. It makes stopping for an iced coffee on your way to work look like a vacation!

So, back to the story. When I say Jordan was supportive of me having a slow morning, I mean that he was fine with me not showering or cooking a hot breakfast. Actually, I fed the kids cereal and I stood over the cake pan eating oatmeal cake before I decided to put some on a plate just so I could sit on the couch and enjoy it. Two big pieces.

He got the list and headed to the grocery store. While I got ready I listened to TED talks. Lately I’ve been listening to speakers discuss autism. Here is a link to one of my favorites that I came across Sunday morning.

Sunday was such a productive day. Jordan finished my desk and softly white washed it. It turned out amazing! I am so excited to have this “me space” to plan, blog, and bible study. I will be posting the plans that he used soon.

I finished 4 loads of laundry on Sunday. Halfway through I ran out of dryer sheets. Ugh. After reading a few articles I decided to make my own reusable dryer sheets by using sponges, vinegar, and essential oils. I will post my DIY later this week and share with you why I will never buy another box of dryer sheets!

We had dinner and relaxed the rest of the night. Snacks, the ID channel, and cuddles on the couch is just what my hardworking husband deserved.

On Monday it was back to school for the boys and back to work for Jordan. Klara and I made it a girls day by going to TJ Maxx and the Dollar Tree for my mom’s birthday gifts, party supplies, and accessories for my new desk. It was in the 60’s that afternoon so as soon as Jordan got home from work, he took Kylan to our neighborhood park to play some basketball while I cooked dinner.

Tuesday morning I tidied up the house, blew up balloons, and put up some decorations for my mom’s birthday bash. The pink garland will be staying up for Valentine’s Day! Sooo cute!

I made a hummingbird poke cake.

For dinner I made a chicken, potato, broccoli, and bacon bake that I made for the first time last week. I will share this recipe in a separate post soon. It’s so good that you won’t want to miss it. Stay tuned!

Happy birthday, Nene!

Kylan had an 8 p.m. basketball game (yeah, that’s our bedtime) and it was the first game that Jordan has been able to attend. I am so glad he was there because our boy scored the first shot of the game. He made both of his foul shots and a half court 3 pointer right at the buzzer in the 4th quarter. He was an all-star that entire game! Seeing his smile when his teammates parents came running over to him to congratulate him on that shot made this whole basketball season worth it.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by my page today!

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