The Long Days

It’s one of those days. Ya know, a Wednesday that feels like a Monday. A looong day. The kids got out of school 2 hours early yesterday for inclement weather and were out today for snow. There has been bickering, teasing, fighting, and aggravating between the three of them resulting in sooo many time outs and punishments that I’m actually running out of punishing ideas.

I didn’t have the motivation to feed anyone anything healthy for lunch so leftover white rice and corn dogs saved the day. I’m drowning in dirty laundry and have to start prepping dinner. I haven’t showered and haven’t even put on my bra. Klara’s hair hasn’t been brushed and the boys are wearing yesterday’s underwear. Absolutely nothing on our “schedule” has gotten accomplished today. No coffee (I know, right?), no hot breakfast (we had frozen waffles), no healthy lunch, no vitamins, no Today Show (because ya know, kids) and my tank is running on empty before 3 o’clock. I ate a cold lunch and then we watched a movie in the living room. Kylan got all of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies for Christmas so we watched one yesterday when they got home from school and watched another one today. We still have two more to go.

As we watched the movie I looked around my living room and really asked myself, “What the heck happened in here?” All of the couch cushions and pillows were on the floor, playdough crumbs were all over the coffee table and smeared into the rug, toys were everywhere and Klara was in her panties with ketchup all over her face from lunch. I keep asking myself if I even want to pick up, sweep and vacuum because I know it will be a mess again before bed. I surrender.

Just when I feel like I’ve hit the maximum chaos capacity, I hear their little giggles, see them actually getting along, and see how happy they are. It makes me want to have a million more babies. #babyhoarding

One day I will miss this mess. I will miss the dirty laundry and cold lunches. Because you know what? One day, sooner than later, they will be too grown to make the messes, too grown to have mom fold their laundry, and will make their own lunches. These are the days that my mama heart lives for. I watch them so closely each day and they have already grown so much. Where’s the pause button?

Today I’m hoping you find the beauty in everything that surrounds you. Even if it’s a messy house or an overflowing laundry basket.

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