Life Lately

It’s been busy around here lately! Jordan has been working 7 days a week which has been a little different than what we’re used to. He usually gets Saturday and Sunday off, but during the winter months he gets overtime and will sometimes work a few Saturdays before Christmas. Sunday is double time pay so he was excited to show up for work yesterday.

Klara got her first hair trim on Thursday.

On Friday I took the kids to the library and out for lunch. Later that evening we went to Jordan’s nana’s to celebrate our Aunt Nae! Nana had gotten a big daddy sub from a local deli and Renee made her famous coconut cake. Klara helped her blow out her candles and open her gifts.

Saturday morning was Kylan’s first basketball game of the season. He was a little disappointed that Jordan couldn’t make it, but he played a great game! It started off with the other team scoring 4 shots before they were 5 minutes into the game, but their players kept fouling our boys so we caught up pretty quickly and tied up the game.

It was neck and neck until the fourth quarter when they allowed pressing. The final score was 24 to 18.

After the game the kids left with my mom and papaw. I came home, read a book, and took a nap– a mama’s dream come true.

When Jordan got home from work we went out to eat at Cheddars. We knew exactly what we were going to order before we even got there. We are huge lovers of their spinach dip and croissants. We included two fountain cokes and side salads and called it dinner.

After dinner Jordan took me to Cracker Barrel. Going into their gift shop is one of my most favorite things in the world. Everything is so incredibly beautiful.

I couldn’t leave without making a purchase. I am crazy about their boutique-like tops!

We couldn’t end date night without a trip to Abingdon to our favorite bakery. We are obsessed with 149 Sweets oatmeal cake. Actually, I’m obsessed with everything about the entire place. I have always dreamed of owning a bakery so I lust over the display of cakes and other treats, the packaging, the seating, the drink and napkin display, the windows– I find it all so inspiring.

And this, my friends, is the best oatmeal cake you will ever have. Drum roll please!

Our last stop was to an antique shop, another one of my absolute favorite things.

On Sunday I went to Walgreens to pick up a few items. I get so excited when I walk into a Walgreens, CVS, or Rite Aide. I don’t know what it is about drug stores, but I stroll down every aisle and spend entirely too much money. Buying new lotion, hair products, tweezers, deodorant, and rubbing alcohol is so exciting to me.

I had to get our grocery shopping done and what better time to do so than before I pick up the kids? A trip to the super market alone hasn’t happened in months so it was a luxury. I even managed to stay under budget. Yesssss!

How was your weekend? What are some of your favorite things to do on a date night? I would love to hear about it!

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