Mema’s Birthday

Today for Friday Favorites, I am sharing one of my favorite parties yet– a birthday party for my mother-in-law.

On Sunday, September 10th, we hosted Jordan’s mom’s birthday party! There were 14 guests in our small house, 7 kids and 7 adults, and it was such a sweet time. It’s not every day that you’re able to throw a party with delicious cake to celebrate the best Mema in the world, although she certainly deserves it.

I love Sue as if she were my own mother. She has always been so kind and has always welcomed me into her home with open arms. I met her briefly in 2009 when Jordan and I first began dating, but I have grown to love and respect her more than ever over the last 5 years. When Jordan was away (that’s another blog post for another day) she reached out to me and was always so generous. Even without Jordan, we were invited to every family gathering for the holidays and she always had me and the boys a birthday party each year. I was invited to tag along on road trips to go visit Jordan and always felt at home when we would visit her and Dennis. She is always giving and lending a helping hand. She hosted our baby shower for Klara, she is at every birthday party and church event, and has sat through football practices and weeknight games to support Kylan. She bakes cookies, buys the cutest things, and is the best babysitter I could ever want my babies to have. I pray that one day I can be just half the woman she is. She is the most thoughtful person I have ever met. When something extraordinary happens in our lives, I know she is behind it because she prays for our family. She is so deserving of every wonderful thing that happens in her life. I am blessed beyond measure to have married her son– she has raised him well. I am even more blessed that my children have her as their Mema.

We all pitched in to make the day as special as we could. We picked up two Big Daddy subs, Jordan’s sister brought chips and drinks, everyone brought gifts, and Jordan and I made a homemade strawberry cake.

It isn’t a party without a birthday banner, cute cups, plates, and chexmix.

There’s just something about having our family together, and this time it was in our own home.

Today I am feeling so blessed to have married into the most loving family.

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