Favorite Mom Moments

Today for Friday Favorites I am going to let you in on some of my favorite mom moments.

Without any doubt whatsoever, being a mom is the greatest blessing of all. I am so proud of my children and their accomplishments.


His kindergarden graduation was one of the most emotional moments I have experienced thus far. If you read my post titled Koby’s Story you understand the struggles, the sweat, tears, and extremely hard work it took to get to that moment. I will be doing an update on Koby soon because his story is one worth sharing. He loves everyone so fiercely and knows no stranger. I’m in awe with his participation in Sunday school and when he looks at me and can tell me about someone in the bible and how God worked in their life.

Koby was the most excited kid at his kindergarden graduation


Kylan gave his life to the Lord on February 1, 2017 and on July 23rd he was baptized at our church. I have never felt more successful as a parent than I did the moment he came into my bedroom and told me that he felt God in his heart, that he got down on his knees, and prayed for God to be his savior forever because he knew that Jesus was sent to the cross for him. I am not taking credit for something only God can do, but I do feel successful as a parent when my children see me and my husband with our bibles open, praying together, and worshiping in the Lord’s house on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. They have their own bibles and devotionals, and when they see us putting our resources to use, they put theirs to work as well.

He is so passionate about sports and watching him play makes me so proud. We often talk about his purpose in life and that God planted this love for sports in his heart for a reason– and that in order for him to glorify God, we should play with purpose. If you haven’t read my post titled Kylan’s story, you should check it out. There was a point in his life where we would have never imagined he would be running the soccer ball down the field, dribbling a basketball down the court, running bases on the baseball field, and running plays with a football jersey on. To see how God has worked in his life is so incredible to me. He was asked if he would be interested in participating on a basketball team as a “buddy” for children with disabilites– someone who would assist the children dribble the ball down the court, shooting the ball, etc. and he immediately accepted. Having an autistic brother has truly gave him an acceptance and an unconditional love for others. I am so blessed to be his mom.


She may only be three years old, but man, what a difference she has made in my life. Watching her twirl at her first ever ballet recital a few weeks ago was such a happy moment for me. Her daddy suprised her with a rose afterwards and the joy was just beaming from her little face. She asks to bless our food every evening at the dinner table and says her prayers every night at bedtime. All week long she asks if it’s “church day” and walks around softly singing Jesus Loves Me and Thy Will Be Done. She makes me so proud.

Today I encourage you to reflect on some of your favorite parenting moments and to thank God for all the things He has done for your children and for all the things He will continue to do. He’s pretty incredible.

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