Why I Blog

I haven’t shared too much about myself on the blog just yet, so I thought I would share my favorite hobby, blogging, with you today and let you in on why I love to do it.

1. I love to write

Growing up, English and Language classes were always my favorite subjects. Whenever I see someone misuse there, their, and they’re I cringe. Misspelled words are one of my biggest pet peeves. Don’t get me wrong– I have been out of high school for a long time (my 10 year reunion is coming up this month!) so I catch myself placing commas where they may not belong, using run-on sentences from time to time, and I still fail to correctly punctuate a quote. Dispite all of that, writing has always been something I love to do. I didn’t say I was very good at it, but I enjoy it. I always loved journaling when I was growing up and once I made it to high school, I couldn’t wait to take journalism. As a matter of fact, I took it three semesters. Writing for the school newspaper was a dream come true for me because I had always wanted to have a career in journalism broadcasting.

2. I use this blog as more of a journal than I do for followers

As a busy mom, I don’t get around to journaling every day. I love that blogging is so convenient– I type up what’s on my mind, upload photos, and ta-da! I love looking at my older posts and reflecting on those memories. It’s just like finding an old diary and reading through its pages. My blog is not professional in any shape or form, yet it serves its purpose. The number of views that I have doesn’t mean near as much to me as the fulfillment that I have by publishing a new post.

3. I am currently on a social media fast, so blogging doesn’t keep our family completely disconnected from our families and friends

Instead of posting a huge amount of pictures on Instagram with a small caption, I get much more joy out of making our family traditions, my favorite products, and my every day life into a blog post. I have the opportunity to go into much more detail with more photos. Blog posts are much more personal to me and I love being able to share my stories with others.

When I think about my love for writing I often wonder if God gave me the gift of words, writing, and blogging to inspire others. What are some of your hobbies and what is your why to doing them?

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