Our Weekend

This weekend was one of those that I wish I could have pushed a pause button to have it last just a little bit longer.

On Friday night we baked Halloween cupcakes and watched a spooky movie.

On Saturday afternoon we had trunk or treat at our church before Kylan’s last football game of the season.

This year the kids wanted to dress up as Repunzel and a ghostbuster. Kylan didn’t want to dress up this year (when did he get so old?!), but he wore his football gear since we had a game that afternoon so at least it looked like he was participating.

There was a 100% chance of rain that night but the game must go on, right? Despite the nonstop pouring rain and freezing cold wind, our best friends still sat out on the concrete bleachers with us and cheered on our boy! We had soaking wet blankets, umbrellas, soaked jackets and ponchos– we even had soggy nachos, but we had so much fun and laughed the whole time. This weekend I was so thankful for friendships– specifically the friendships that aren’t lost no matter how long you go without seeing each other.

If you would have asked Kylan a year ago if he wanted to play football, he would have said no. Even though he can name every NFL player, their positions, their coaches, every team name- both pro and college and their rankings, he just never wanted to play. I am so glad that he decided to take this opportunity and give it a try because he loves it. He is so talented on the field and we are encouraging him to use the talents that God has given him.

After the football game, we went to the mall and had a late dinner at Italian Village. The kids never turn down a slice of Italian Village pizza.

A night of costumes, candy, friends, football, nachos, AND pizza? That’s gotta be what kid dreams are made of.

Sunday morning was the only slowpaced morning that Jordan and I were able to spend together this week because he has been working overtime. We woke up, made some coffee, and sat at the kitchen table and ate english muffins together before church.

After church we took the kids to pick out pumpkins. When we walked outside there were snow flurries falling– the kids were so excited!

The cold weather was perfect for grilled cheese sandwiches and Jordan’s homemade tomato basil soup.

After dinner the kids picked through, traded, and ate their candy from trunk or treat on Saturday.

My favorite part of the whole weekend was starting season 3 of The Blacklist with Jordan after the kids went to bed. We always have a diet soda, snacks, and cuddle on the couch while we catch-up on past seasons. We watched the first season when it was coming on, but never got around to watching season 2 once it aired. We watch the new season that comes on every Wednesday night so we can stay current, but we just finished season 2 on dvd and just began watching season 3 over the weekend. We can’t get enough.

I hope each of you have a memorable moment from the weekend that you can carry with you throughout this week. Happy Monday!

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